• The Purchase Agreement contains customary indemnification obligations of each party with respect to breaches of their respective representations, warranties and covenants, and certain other specified matters and generally provides that the Company will indemnify the Purchaser for liabilities not related to the Education Business and the Purchaser will indemnify the Company for liabilities related to the Education Business.

    FORBES: McGraw-Hill Unloads Education Business for $2.5 Billion

  • The fight was over which insurance carrier, if any, would indemnify the State for the cost of cleaning up this toxic waste site.

    FORBES: Beleaguered Barbie's Girl Fight Busts Mattel Profits

  • This had been further extended to indemnify private contractors working for local councils.

    BBC: Question time

  • In an ideal world it should also have language in its bylaws promising to defend and indemnify directors (except for their own misdeeds) and pockets deep enough to back up that promise.

    FORBES: For Retirees On Corporate Boards, The Rewards Go Beyond Cash

  • Dick Durbin assure us, not because they want to use federal money to indemnify their home state for a white-elephant prison Illinois taxpayers should never have built, but because Guantanamo Bay simply must be closed.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gitmo does not cause terrorism

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