It means universal, and nationalists see it as an alleged attempt by the Orthodox Church to claim independent authority.
But if independent owners can now claim discrimination in markets where the cable operator owns a sports channel, they may be able to wrestle wider carriage-which would likely drive up cable bills.
The front will give up its claim to an independent homeland in return for autonomy in a new area, Bangsamoro, a word with connotations of a nation.
The company that previously used the independent contractor may not contest the claim.
It was his move to leave the GOP and become an independent that allowed the Democrats to claim a 50-49 edge in the Senate.
The first claim was based on independent tests comparing the Apple computer with two of its competitors - the Dell Dimension 8300 and the Dell Precision 650.
But political machines are hard to build in a state where one in six voters is a registered independent and a third of voters claim no strong political affiliation.
The Bar Council, the Malaysian lawyers' governing body, has called for an independent investigation of Mr Anwar's claim.
The Independent newspaper recently cast doubt on this claim, reporting that figures of 70, 000 people tuning into her online concerts were inflated as part of a publicity campaign.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission is investigating the claim.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission had been investigating the claim Mr Meadows was injured by a police baton, but the claim was suspended at the request of Mr Meadow's legal team after criminal proceedings were instigated.
BBC: Alfie Meadows: Student protest jury fails to reach verdict
Others argue that the tear gas, at the very least, set the stage for an inadvertent inferno--a claim long since dismissed as bad science by an independent investigation.
And if it was the former, why did the Health Minister claim it was the latter - and put an independent academic in a very difficult position when his emails to government officials came to light, emails which make a bit more sense if the brief was to argue a case, not weigh up the available evidence.
And there will be a new, independent appeals process for anyone who feels they were unfairly denied a claim by their insurance company.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: The Immediate Benefits of Health Reform
They base their claim on the fact that the state was formerly an independent princely state, is geographically larger than at least 68 countries of the United Nations, and more populous than 90.
While his supporters claim he can regain two-thirds control of parliament, few independent analysts believe this is likely.
She has since won a sex discrimination claim against the party and, until recently, sat as an independent in Brussels.
Bristol has a proud history of independent thinking and, like many cities, there are plenty of shops who claim to use local suppliers.
The point of this is that I love beer, independent of its alcohol content, so I am rather disturbed when people try to claim that things that are clearly not beer are.
FORBES: California Judge Thinks Mike's Lemonade Is Beer ? Go Figure !
While his campaign documents claim that finishing the Keystone Pipeline would create 100, 000 jobs, the only independent analysis of job creation persuasively finds that the actual totals are 4, 650 temporary jobs and 50 permanent ones.
FORBES: Scoring Romney & Obama's Disappointing Energy Debate
The event promoter Taking Liberties said the posters did not claim that drinking alcohol would lead to sexual conquests and that the drinks prices were displayed as independent parts of the design.