They also tried to manage their exchange rates and their monetary policies independently of each other.
Researchers believe its short arms and large claw show how bird-like dinosaurs evolved independently of birds.
But Marash says the new channel will develop its own approach independently of Al-Jazeera in Arabic.
Only about 10% of the return comes from stocks moving (going up) independently of the dividend.
The tendency of land prices to move independently of stock prices makes land a good diversification.
FORBES: For down-to-earth investors, farmland can yield rewards.
Academies are state funded, but privately-run schools which operate independently of their local education authority.
They are run independently of the affiliated local newspapers, sometimes by non-journalists, and it shows.
He was punished, in effect, for daring to offer food independently of the state-organised effort.
Women won the right to be taxed independently of their husbands in the 1980s.
String theorists think that the world is made of matter that exists independently of space and time.
They are groups of eleven or fewer people engaging in violent disorder entirely independently of each other.
FORBES: London Riots: Who Pays? Or, When is a Riot Not a Riot?
Each of the five growth pathways above is discrete and can be pursued independently of the others.
Student groups acting independently of their university administrations in the end invited Dershowitz to give his lectures.
Instead, talks would be broken up into small chunks and allowed to progress independently of one another.
Both versions of SpareOne are designed to work independently of a cell phone carrier, with no monthly fee.
It is based on tabs, each of which runs independently of the others for security, speed and stability.
Maryport Inshore Rescue Service (MIRS) operates one high-speed boat independently of the RNLI in an around the Solway Firth.
I'm saying both could have existed independently of each other and been used.
BBC: Apple versus Samsung: Full interview with the jury foreman
But Revolymer still believes that its product could have what it takes to sell itself independently of the bigger players.
We develop and maintain our search algorithms independently of our ads and our search algorithms are not influenced by ads.
FORBES: Love It Or Hate It, Ripoff Report Is In Expansion Mode
But new ground is most often broken by startup ventures that develop independently of the businesses they may be impacting.
FORBES: How to Incubate a Media Business -- Developing a Concept
Additionally, whether posting the photo was the right thing to do should be evaluated independently of whether they got fired.
But it is only by looking at an asexual group that the second can be tested independently of the first.
The Treasury fears a loss of control if core services such as health were funded independently of general tax revenues.
Meanwhile, those very same partners are designing and producing their own models independently of their joint ventures with the foreign companies.
But under the new provisions all national parliaments must be notified independently of all draft laws, and given six weeks to respond.
Mr. Singhal said his team is working independently of any advertising considerations.
Unlike controlling the House or Senate, having a majority of governorships has little practical effect, because governors operate independently of each other.
In standalone mode it operates independently of the free app, pumping out sound effects and color commentary as you rack up points.
ENGADGET: NERF Cyberhoop hands-on: foam basketball for the iPad generation