Some cases have even held that players have had enough indicia of employees in terms of university control to be considered employees for workers compensation purposes.
It can be used as evidence of a legitimate independent contractor arrangement, when taken into consideration with the other indicia of the relationship between the parties.
And in law, that would generally give them a greater indicia of reliability, because they were being done in what we call the regular course of business.
In the case of an expatriate maintaining a drivers license and continuing to vote are not generally thought to be indicia of maintaining domicile in the state that they shoved off from.
Reynolds notes as well that by 2001 the Census Bureau was reporting that the poor enjoyed as much or more of the indicia of a comfortable, modern standard of living as the middle class 30 years before.
They figured that since she probably could have gotten a New York drivers license and voted in New York, that for the two years she was in New York she should be conisdered to be domiciled in Rhode Island where she had those two indicia.