So it would be a indirect tax on every single one of you.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Town Hall Meeting at University of Maryland | The White House
An implicit or indirect tax, by popular consent of the governing and governed, is not a tax at all and is therefore employed.
With luck too, faster growth in the German economy, and so in tax revenues, may provide an excuse to put off the indirect-tax increases promised by the grand coalition for next year for the risk is otherwise that a hesitant economic recovery gets knocked on the head.
The Bank's favourite measure of inflation, which excludes both mortgage-interest costs and indirect-tax changes, was unchanged in July, at an annual rate of 2.2% (see chart).
Tax on indirect transfers has been imposed in a number of cases.
Their central estimate is that the taxable income elasticity for this group is 0.46, which implies a revenue-maximizing tax rate on earned income of 56%.29 This in turn (accounting for NICs and indirect taxes) corresponds to an income tax rate of 40%.
Other payroll taxes and indirect taxes mean that the overall tax burden in the new member states is still similar to that in the old.
Actually, if a bank pays higher corporate taxes on interest from government bonds than the investor, these types of indirect investments in government bonds are tax-inefficient.
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Though many people in Hong Kong do indeed pay no income tax, they do pay indirect taxes.
The idea behind the series of taxes, after the failure of the Stamp Act, was to try a system of indirect taxes since the colonists had reacted so strongly to the direct stamp tax.
The biggest, an effort to prune the country's dreadful thicket of indirect taxes into a tidier form, an all-India Goods and Services Tax, has been pushed back by a year, to April 2012.
Even with all of the production tax credits, loan guarantees and a battery of other direct and indirect subsidies, nuclear power remains the most expensive source of conventional electricity on the grid once capital costs are plugged into the equation.
WSJ: The Experts: What's the Best Way Forward on Nuclear Power?
Andre Champagne, who owns three companies including Hollywood Trucks and Scene Magazine, does not benefit from the motion picture tax credit, however employs 50 full time employees and has created over 300 indirect jobs with one of his companies alone.
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Today, there are 25 countries around the world that have adopted the REIT (or REIT-like) structure as a tax-efficient way for small investors to achieve the many benefits of owning an indirect interest in high-quality, well-located and professionally-managed income-producing real estate.
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