Like any major route, the canal played several roles, all of them indispensable to the empire.
The combination of work-rate and basic technique make Sorin indispensable to Argentina's World Cup quest.
Organizations operating in this way find that engaged employees are indispensable to achieving their goals.
Certainly it's a thing we've come to feel is indispensable to our collective buoyancy.
That is why the support of black churches proved indispensable to the civil rights movement.
If history is any indication, all new infrastructure quickly will become indispensable to the Chinese middle class.
India is indispensable to the future that we seek -- a future of security and prosperity for all nations.
The audit firms are indispensable to the global capital markets because they have a government-sanctioned franchise to provide audits.
FORBES: Is Any Other Audit Firm Vulnerable Besides Ernst & Young?
There is no shortage of information circulating of late espousing the benefits of making yourself indispensable to your employer.
FORBES: Seth Godin's Linchpin Theory: Sound Advice or Career Suicide?
Quick, granular feedback from customers is indispensable to a company, which is why we originally developed the Net Promoter system.
That could make the medicine, the first of its kind, indispensable to patients with a high risk of a heart attack.
For there is one final quality that I believe makes the United States and the United Kingdom indispensable to this moment in history.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses the British Parliament
This Thanksgiving season, we celebrate farms of every size that produce fruits, vegetables, dairy, and livestock indispensable to the health of our families.
History suggests, however, that it can be indispensable to catalyzing constructive change of the kind virtually everyone agrees is needed at the UN.
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An antipathy, however mild, to foreignness is indispensable to the creed of localism, which seeks to make our economic worlds more intelligible by shrinking them.
The next development in the evolution of long-term loyalty is likely to come through creating value-driven relationships in which brands become economically indispensable to their customers.
FORBES: Built To Last: The Secret To Long-Term Customer Relationships
Taxation--indispensable to the functioning of government--becomes an inhibiting factor in private sector activity in developing countries when applied through cumbersome rules and administration, as is usually the case.
Technical talent is indispensable to solving and enabling exciting solutions.
So, to summarize, your business will thrive if you can solve customer problems, become easy to work with, offer irresistible value, and make your company indispensable to your customers.
Mr Schlinkert, who formed Communicator in 1999 as a spin-off from Salomon Smith Barney, a stockbroking firm, believes that instant messaging is indispensable to brokers, traders, and their clients.
Two recent examples hit home why the semicolon, otherwise despised by writers such as Cormac McCarthy and Kurt Vonnegut, is indispensable to the art and architecture of prose.
It is indispensable to remember that the Holocaust was an attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish people and that its trauma means a relentless fear that it might happen again.
ECONOMIST: Middle East and Africa: A way ahead for the Middle East | The
"When the stimulus package came up for a vote, I felt that it was indispensable to vote 'aye' in order to avoid the possibility of a 1929-type depression, " Specter said Tuesday.
CNN: Specter says party switch driven partly by desire to keep seat
And even as more nations take on the responsibilities of global leadership, our alliance will remain indispensable to the goal of a century that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more just.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses the British Parliament
Making things worse, he then goes on to say how important it is for all of us to become indispensable, for not to be indispensable is tantamount to economic and career suicide.
FORBES: Seth Godin's Linchpin Theory: Sound Advice or Career Suicide?
Chancellor Klein and I also share the belief that an outstanding principal, given the support he or she needs, is indispensable to driving the remarkable gains we need in student achievement in a school.
Nearer home, he has little patience with the commander of NATO's Southern Forces, Admiral Leighton Smith, who opposed the bombing that Holbrooke believed to be indispensable to the start of a serious negotiating process.
"From founding this company to guiding its growth into a trusted global brand that is indispensable to millions of people, I have always sought to do what is best for our franchise, " said Jerry Yang.
The sweeping changes ahead should not be underestimated, and those reforms are indispensable to Israel's progress toward a truly world-class economy with broadly dispersed prosperity made possible in part by higher levels of foreign investment.