The two platforms spent recent years copying each other's moves, and they're fairly indistinguishable now.
They are also a marketing gimmick that renders an otherwise indistinguishable product instantly recognizable.
Whatever the particular differences, the Heritage mandate was indistinguishable in principle from the ObamaCare one.
To my ears, a high-quality MP3 is indistinguishable from the CD it's ripped from.
Really, you blog is largely indistinguishable from about a dozens of others here at
The future mobile Web will be one where adaptive websites are indistinguishable from apps.
FORBES: The Future Of The Web: The Case For Responsive Design
The index does not give the rank of soldiers, who are indistinguishable from civilians.
"She's in third grade, completely indistinguishable from her peers, because treatment works, " says Bullard.
Could Scotland and England follow a similar course and become indistinguishable in a common Britishness?
This would leave users with a choice between two social networks largely indistinguishable from one another.
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Only when the object becomes almost indistinguishable from a human does shinwakan increase again.
More troubling is the ability to fabricate fake signals that are indistinguishable from real ones.
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As the figure below shows, during 2007, views of past and future credit availability were statistically indistinguishable.
This debt was (and since it has not been repaid, still is) indistinguishable from other government debt.
In his wish for Scotland and England to be indistinguishable, Mr Massie is wishing pigs might fly.
The stigma of social housing can often be eliminated by making it indistinguishable from neighbouring private housing.
On weekends music spills out on to the hot, crowded streets and pools into an indistinguishable throb.
Sidney Frank made billions by selling Grey Goose vodka, nearly indistinguishable from bottom-shelf brands, at a rich price.
Siluria creates catalysts that convert natural gas into fuels and chemicals it says are indistinguishable from oil-derived equivalents.
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The results for urbanised Himba were "indistinguishable" from the results of undergraduates taking the same tests in London, said Dr Linnell.
News programming is, according to the consensus, becoming almost indistinguishable from entertainment programming.
When a user sends a snap to multiple friends, the recipients receive a snap indistinguishable from an individualized message.
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Before the financial crisis, Londonism seemed indistinguishable from a broader British take on the world: freewheeling, relaxed about globalisation.
In the more recent five-year periods, by contrast, risk-adjusted returns were essentially indistinguishable.
Butterflies and virtually fragrant flowers, often indistinguishable from each other, evoke an Eden-like harmony and invite a long stay.
In a republic the men who hold office are indistinguishable from the mass.
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The proteins naturally twist themselves into particles that are indistinguishable from HPV.
Engineers working in the field expect to be creating computer-generated speech that is indistinguishable from human speech within a year.
More than almost any other business leader, Mr Jobs was indistinguishable from his company, which he co-founded in the 1970s.
Throughout West Africa and the Sahel, Westerners have become targets for both militant groups and criminal gangs, which are sometimes indistinguishable.