This individual excites the base, but may carry some significant baggage and risks.
There are eyebrow-waxing bars in malls that specialize in eyelash extensions, where trained technicians glue individual lashes to the base of your natural ones.
They showed how observing someone moving from base station to base station indicated the individual was on the move and how that information could be linked to traffic cameras, such as those in Denver, which are now accessible via the Internet.
Kinsley said the base was requesting each individual's full name, including middle initial, driver's license, and full social security number, in order for background checks to be performed before the race, compared with the standard procedure of first and last name and last four digits of one's social.
WSJ: Triathlon in New Mexico Canceled Due to Security Concerns
Muni bonds are distinct from all other bonds in that their tax-free feature means that the investor base that is 70% individual vs institutional.
The key is the five axes its base rotates on, allowing individual wheels to be lifted off the ground and moved in a walking style.
ENGADGET: Robotic wheelchair concept adds leg-like movement, tackles stairs with ease (video)
It suggested that banks should offer a wider range of services, establish a more secure income base, and tailor their services better to individual clients' needs.
Social networks also get better as they scale, because you are diversifying the experience base of the network and increasing the likelihood that an individual prompt will spark a relevant response.
But I prefer that to rigid values that blind and deafen, or individual visions that might not be as smart as the person offering them thinks (lunar base, anyone?).
At the moment, memory chips are made by laying down strata of different chemicals on a silicon base, and then carving canyons through the layers in order to separate the individual components.
But plenty of medicine has only a thin base in scientifically reviewed evidence, meaning that the opinions, judgments and prejudices of individual doctors often determine how treatment is given.
Today, many colleges and universities provide academic credit for individual courses, full programs of study and prior learning acquired on ships, during combat and at base locations worldwide.
WHITEHOUSE: Coming Home: Pathways to Success for Service Members and Veterans | The White House
Each individual in the UK is responsible for double the imported emissions of someone in Germany, which has kept its manufacturing base.