Indubitably Mr Ciampi is a formidable operator, however divorced he has been from party politics.
On any all-time all-star baseball team one's first baseman would not be Greenberg but, indubitably, Lou Gehrig.
Manoeuvring Kirk into positions of jeopardy is indubitably fun, but this kind of game stands or falls on its co-op.
Some of Mr Obama's people think Mr Bashir's indubitably nasty regime should be further isolated and squeezed by economic sanctions.
Grounds could, no doubt, be found for rejecting the whole lot even Luxembourg, which most indubitably passes Maastricht's very strictest interpretation.
But the capitalist dictatorship and the pharmaceutical companies have indubitably put the kibosh on the publication of many of these as well.
FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK
However, it is indubitably true that household income does not include employer provided health care but household compensation, if we measured it, would.
Indubitably, this will affect sales, and no longer will he be known as the pop idol, but now as the proverbial gay pop idol.
' Mr. Jordan told the grand jury in answer to the question whether the job search and affidavit signing were linked, 'unequivocally, indubitably, no.
It may not have been the most traditional Arctic meal, but thanks to the determination of a few innovative Icelandic farmers, it was indubitably a local one.
Two well-known rebel commanders in Chechnya, Khattab and Abu Daba, are indubitably Arabs, and foreign reporters have seen evidence that some other mercenaries or volunteers from the Middle East are fighting there too.
Indubitably, the basis upon which the Bush administration has bailed out of Vieques will undercut the Japanese government, which has faced increasingly insistent pressure from Okinawans to end the U.S. "occupation" of their island.
The head is indubitably Cromwell's: though the provenance is a little cloudy in the early 18th century, it beggars belief that a fraudster of that era would be able to fool forensic science many years later.
As a result, even if widespread vote fraud (which those like Jimmy Carter will nonetheless indubitably call "substantially free and fair elections") does not produce grave domestic instability in Russia, it will almost certainly accelerate the Kremlin's reversion to malevolent type internationally.