People steal from the cheap-food shops of the Public Distribution System (PDS) on an industrial scale.
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The problem is that turning cellulose into ethanol on an industrial scale will be difficult and expensive.
Unlike corn and other feedstocks, Arenga pinnata is too finicky to be farmed on an industrial scale.
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However graphene production - still not achieved on an affordable and industrial scale - is in the project's sights.
However, the MPs point out that the main source of lost tax involves smuggling on a much larger, industrial scale.
If the process can be repeated on an industrial scale, it could provide a clean-burning liquid alternative for millions of motorists.
Our knowledge economy is producing alarmism on an industrial scale and the siren call to avoid this or that risk is ceaseless.
Especially not on the industrial scale that Apple has been selling them.
Former chancellor Lord Lawson, a member of the Parliamentary Banking Commission, last week accused Barclays of being involved in legal tax avoidance on an "industrial scale".
The Dong Xuan Center is an Asian market on an industrial scale, housed in a series of vast warehouses in the working class neighbourhood of Lichtenberg.
Purists worry that the organic movement's original ideals have been forgotten as large companies that produce and sell organic food on an industrial scale have muscled in.
They raided the cookie jar on an industrial scale, till they were morbidly obese, but their parents - the regulators - saw them as the picture of health.
Security Council, Iran will stop its voluntary measures, such as snap inspections, increased inspections of its nuclear sites, and also it will restart a uranium enrichment at a high industrial scale.
This is wine retailing on an industrial scale.
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It also permitted agriculture on an industrial scale.
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And in the case of phone hacking by Rupert Murdoch's News of the World tabloid, the parent company tried to downplay what had happened for years, claiming it was the work of one rogue reporter when in fact it had happened on an industrial scale.
Industrial-scale units house thousands of animals, cutting the cost of production through economies of scale.
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Now, industrial-scale pig warehouses are appearing, with 16, 000 sows raising 320, 000 piglets a year.
Nor has it escaped the notice of industrial-scale wineries that Grenache vines can sprout massive crops of grapes.
Their hope was to make more capital from the land by running shooting estates, or starting industrial-scale livestock farming.
Pyrolising stoves are easy to construct and available models range from the portable to industrial-scale machines costing tens of thousands of dollars.
ECONOMIST: Biochar could enrich soils and cut greenhouse gases as well
For the foreseeable future, we will all continue to hate the industrial-scale dreck that dominates our diets, but will continue to eat it nevertheless.
But the sequencing of the human genome, an example of the power of industrial-scale science, inspired him, and he wanted to fund something similar.
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He proposes the industrial-scale culturing (biomanufacturing, as he describes it, rather than farming) of single-celled algae that have been genetically engineered to turn out fuel-ready hydrocarbons.
Or rather, after an aberrant half century of industrial-scale McDonaldization of the global economy, the local food industry is actually reclaiming the bellwether status it has always had in history.
It's also easy to overlook the damage inflicted on local ecosystems and economies -- a large portion of which are in the developing world -- as a consequence of current industrial-scale agriculture practices.
And despite having indisputably broken the law, the process Sky News seems to have undergone to break this story is a far cry from the industrial-scale criminality carried out and admitted to by News International.
"We are planning to build a permanent base on the moon by 2015 and by 2020 we can begin the industrial-scale delivery... of the rare isotope helium-3, " said Nikolai Sevastianov, head of Russian space vehicle manufacturer Energia, at a seminar in Moscow in January.
As with much of farming and food production, it is the large-scale industrial-commercial enterprises that draw more criticism than small family-run farms.