U.K. dealer Barry Cawston was selling installation art industrial sewage valves bearing backlit photos of Cuban refugee boats and the Miami skyline by Havana artist Ernesto Fernandez Zalacain.
WSJ: 'Relatively Affordable' for Your Wall
Suspects go on trial today for ransacking a government office and allegedly forcing the city's mayor to wear a T-shirt with anti-pollution slogans during a mass protest against an industrial sewage pipeline project in the eastern city of Qidong last July, Global Times reports.
BBC: China media: Pollution woes
Plus, the Bay of Panama is polluted with industrial waste and sewage and is unsafe for swimming.
WSJ: Preparing to Retire in Panama--WSJ House Talk
The prospectus talks of redeveloping the decaying port area, and of at last cleansing Guanabara Bay of sewage and industrial pollution.
ECONOMIST: Brazil and the Olympics
The floodwaters are now a toxic stew of raw sewage, household and industrial chemicals, and the rotting corpses of the people and pets who drowned as the waters rose.
ECONOMIST: The fallout from Katrina | The
Industrial companies are increasingly outsourcing their water and sewage management to meet rising environmental standards.
ECONOMIST: Water industry
Conversely, the Uzbeks accuse Tajikistan of contaminating the water with industrial and agricultural pollutants, as well as sewage, thus causing disease in Uzbekistan.
ECONOMIST: Tajikistan��s water politics
Delhi draws three-quarters of its drinking water from the Yamuna river, into which the city dumps quantities of sewage, almost all of it untreated, to join a cocktail of farm chemicals and industrial effluents, including arsenic.
ECONOMIST: Bursting cities, bust infrastructure