Finally there is Living Earth, which covers data on the environmental impact of technology and industrialization.
Is China far enough along in its industrialization to sustain its growth with mostly domestic growth?
The 18% is a working-class phenomenon, due to de-industrialization and the elimination of low-skilled jobs.
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Suddenly the industrialization of the zone risked all the tradition and historic knowledge of her people.
But countries on the other side of industrialization, like the U.S., necessarily grow less quickly.
It is true that agricultural societies, even well into industrialization, typically have put children to work.
Founded by Yataro Iwasaki as a shipping company in the early 1870s, Mitsubishi's expansion paralleled Japan's industrialization.
This anti-industrialization theme reaches back to Gandhi's push for political as well as economic independence from Britain.
The canals were primarily built during the 19th century to accommodate Britain's rapid industrialization and manufacturing boom.
In the years of early industrialization, companies would develop their own power system, such as a water wheel.
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Both Chrysler and Carharrt share a history in the industrialization of Detroit, and the country, for that matter.
China's environmental challenge moves well beyond simply the problems faced by any society at the height of its industrialization.
"Private Sector Industrialization in China: Evidence from Wenzhou", by John Strauss, Edward Y.
"Coming to China I have seen the other side of industrialization, " he says.
India and China have demonstrated an enormous appetite for coal, riding on a high level of industrialization and urbanization.
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The industrialization is not the only way to development, in these new conditions of industrial overproduction diversity is paramount.
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Emerging markets have received record capital inflows as investors bet on the rapid industrialization of nations striving to become modern.
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Until the re-balancing between domestic consumption and government-led investments improves, industrialization will decelerate as overcapacity is already prevalent in many sectors.
They've already got a degree of industrialization, but what they want to do now is raise the technological level of their industry.
Its experience mirrors those of other established Asian lenders, most of which started as conduits of funds for early industrialization and infrastructure.
Even before the economy went south, however, Indiana was experiencing the sort of rapid de-industrialization that devastates working families and their communities.
This will be a foundation for Viet Nam to develop high quality human resources for international integration and national industrialization and modernization.
Synthetic biology would not have happened without the industrialization of DNA production.
After all, their abundant inheritance is not limited to the benefits of industrialization, mobile devices, and free online education and collaboration tools.
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As world leaders meet in Copenhagen to consider drastic carbon emission restrictions that could require large-scale de-industrialization, experts gathered last week just outside Washington, D.
Worldwide energy demand, driven by the population growth and industrialization of the developing world, will expand by 40% in the next 20 years.
The industrialization during the Victorian era also meant the streets of London were paved and broadened to make way for machinery and traffic.
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China set up a state agency to tackle the damage its rapid industrialization was doing to the environment as long ago as 1998.
However, increasing industrialization, economic pressures and new media are leading to a decrease in collective participation with communities becoming disconnected from their roots.
Through all of the panics and wars and industrialization and social changes, the economy grew in real terms an average of 3.9% a year.
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