Huawei submitted a timely request to the Bureau of Industryand Security at the Department of Commerce in advance of completing the purchase in May and the Department of Commerce certified that no license was required to export the 3Leaf technology.
If Mr Blair wants new female faces in his cabinet, an obvious choice is Patricia Hewitt , the energetic 52-year-old minister responsible for small business and e-commerce at the Department of Trade andIndustry.
Indeed, the Banking Committee's proposed "carve-out" language does not represent a unified Administration position at all, but rather merely language desired by industryand some in the Department of Commerce.
The Senate Judiciary Committee discussed the need for a facelift for the Act today with attorneys from law enforcement, the CommerceDepartment, the tech industry, and civil rights groups.
Although the Clinton administration favors allowing the industry to regulate itself, agencies such as the Department of Commerceand the Federal Trade Commission have been discussing how to encourage privacy protection and lawmakers have talked about enacting laws that would make Web sites liable for privacy breaches on their sites.