Now the inefficient management and union at the Big Three want a handout.
In a written response included in the report, the IRS commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division said there was no criminal behavior behind the actions of the agents, but rather inefficient management.
Inefficient inventory management is a killer of profit margins in retail and something that we pay close attention to.
Poor mutual fund choice, inappropriate asset allocation, the wrong risk level, inefficient tax management, and an unwillingness to let time do its magic will result in a less than desirable outcome.
The film highlights key water quality problems such as lack of access to safe water and sanitation, inefficient wastewater management in urban areas, water pollution caused by intensive use of nutrients and chemicals in agriculture, the invisible threat of new and emerging pollutants in water and the economic costs of water quality degradation.
But the former is an anomaly in recent times and the latter indicates that such clubs are inefficient and perhaps need new management.
The reasoning behind this strategy stems from the belief that parts of the financial markets are efficient and should be invested in with index funds while other parts are inefficient and this where active management is fruitful.
The command and control system of corporate management was already exposed as inefficient.
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Back in 2011, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that using continuing resolutions to deal with the budget resulted in "inefficient, start-and-stop management" through short-term contacts.
They are also inefficient in their energy use and waste management.
Dilip sees that this shift from reactionary disaster management, which is often wasteful and inefficient, to proactive organizing will enable communities to respond to future disasters quickly and efficiently.
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Oddly--or sadly--enough, overcrowding in hospitals is actually the result not of sudden infectious outbreaks, but of the inefficient way surgeons book their operating rooms, says Eugene Litvak, a Boston University operations management expert.
"They're already paying for it, but in the most inefficient way possible, " McCartney says, referring to the much-maligned Federal Emergency Management Agency, which would presumably have its role scaled back if a national insurance plan were implemented.