His successor, Yasuo Fukuda, has pledged to continue along the path of reform while addressing inequality.
Its Gini index, a measure of income inequality, dropped from 0.63 to 0.52 from 1989 to 2009.
This reduction in inequality has a racial component, because 75% of the new middle class is non-white.
The UK would be just like other average and boring northern European economies in its inequality.
Current inequality is a little higher than in peer countries but not all that much.
The criticism of inequality does, at least in part, rest on these two points.
They also contribute to economic inequality as the insiders(the business oligoply) benefit over the outsiders.
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To help fix the world, you can collaborate to eradicate inequality in your own community.
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But these differences reflect, again, not unfair economic inequality, but differences in productive output.
In a recent American Interest article, Cowen took up the related topic of income inequality.
Restraint on taxes and regulations, in contrast, has conduced to economic underperformance and inequality.
Nobody wants more inequality in this country and nobody wants more division between classes.
There is inequality of motherhood vs fatherhood and the female heavy burden of family planning.
Our chants make the links between this kind of objectification and other aspects of women's inequality.
"We have to steer a course from violence, and away from poverty and inequality, " she declared.
In my testimony, I worried that rising economic inequality might provoke a populist backlash.
Economic inequality is at the highest level since the eve of the Great Depression.
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And as economies have slowed, inequality of income, in rich and poor countries, has widened.
Liberalised global finance and rising inequality may thus have led to surging public debts.
Crowded Haiti has long suffered from squabbling and venal politicians, extreme inequality and ecological stress.
Such tax returns consequently cannot give an accurate picture of income inequality or concentration.
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In fact, inequality has been slowly on the rise in the U.S. since the 1970s.
Yes, inequality within countries is rising, but the inequality over the whole global population is falling.
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Moreover, we have a tolerance for inequality of outcomes, if not inequality of opportunity.
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In their view, an inequality of results is sufficient to declare something unfair or unjust.
Mr. OBRADOR: (Through translator) The country cannot be governed when there's an ocean of inequality.
The longer run issues of income inequality and financialization would remain and require more fundamental reforms.
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If this organisational change is indeed an important cause of rising pay inequality, two conclusions follow.
If Democrats are serious about fighting inequality, their top priority ought to be tax reform.
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Mexico is one of the countries in the world with the highest income inequality.