In fact, that is exactly the sign-up process, as the two accounts are inextricably linked.
ENGADGET: Microsoft SkyDrive impressions: a look at features and functionality
There is something fundamental about this score, inextricably linked to the whole idea of movie music.
For both Mr Ryan and Mrs Galloway, poor behaviour is inextricably linked to poor reading skills.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers reflect on disciplining
The quality of education is inextricably linked to the issue of teacher quality and principal leadership.
It is a myth that the endowment policy and the mortgage are inextricably linked.
How does organizational design relate to urban design, with which it is inextricably linked?
Mr Altman said that the evidence showed the men were inextricably linked to each other.
In practice, the fate of the canal, and those of the country and its government, are inextricably linked.
Diversity also expresses itself through cultural diversity, and the two are inextricably linked.
In Germany, soccer violence has been inextricably linked with the far-right nationalist movement.
However, a defense attorney for one of the defendants said the trial and the allegations of corruption are inextricably linked.
The picture became inextricably linked to the environmental movement when it was adopted for the first Earth Day in 1970.
Capable of swallowing thousands of vehicles, these vessels know their fate is inextricably linked to those of the car manufactures.
"Sport and politics are inextricably linked, and soccer is the most popular game, so it has the most impact, " he said.
Third, we will act with the full recognition that our success in Afghanistan is inextricably linked to our partnership with Pakistan.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan | The White House
The careers of the two fighters are inextricably linked for their prior trilogy and Saturday will be the cherry on top.
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Dixon, 54, is inextricably linked with McClendon, having worked side-by-side with him at Chesapeake since joining as v.p. of exploration in 1991.
FORBES: No April Fooling - McClendon Finally Gone From Chesapeake Energy
Our economic fate is now inextricably linked to these East Asian dynamos.
There's no doubt that the budget and the investments contained in the President's budgets are inextricably linked to our long-term economic growth.
The state of one of these photons was inextricably linked with that of the other through a process known as quantum entanglement.
The idea is that water and energy are inextricably linked: it takes water to make energy and energy to clean and move water.
FORBES: Should Countries With No Water Be Pushing for Growth?
In fact, as the President has said, the future of the United States is inextricably linked to the future of the Latino community.
The fates of the San Diego and the wireless economy are inextricably linked, and both of them are just starting to hit their stride.
FORBES: Why the Real Wireless Capital of the World is San Diego - Not Silicon Valley (infographic)
Some economists cast doubt over this claim, but what is clear is that Catalonia's economy is, unsurprisingly, inextricably linked to the rest of Spain.
Yet few founders are so inextricably linked with their company's image.
But while Jones is inextricably linked to Augusta and the Masters long after his death in 1971, his real home is the Atlanta Athletic Club.
In his mind, says Cain, the two goals are inextricably linked.
Mobile and TV are inextricably linked, but so are other media.
FORBES: How Retailers Can Benefit From Consumer 'Showrooming'
Mobile and wireless are inextricably linked, with wireless being the enabler for mobile, and mobile having its own unique characteristics versus fixed wireless users or objects.
We need to act in concert for a simple reason: This crisis proved, and events continue to affirm that our national economies are inextricably linked.