The Duke was infamous amongst the chattering classes for his mounting debts and extensive antiques collection.
The article 'The infamous architecture of Chicago' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.
The infamous sign was stolen in December last year and recovered in three pieces three days later.
So in the infamous words of the GOP's beloved Newt Gingrich: Spare me the pious baloney.
Even the apparent circumstances surrounding the infamous Genovese case have been called into question.
Besides debt, the other nearly fatal drag on Dynegy was its infamous trading and marketing division.
Who could forget Giudice's infamous "last supper, " in which she flipped a table over.
PS4 owners can also expect exclusives such as InFamous: Second Son and The Witness.
ENGADGET: PlayStation 4 games revealed: a preview of what's to come
Will patients be confused by the morass of competing plans and the infamous doughnut hole?
He experienced this during the now-infamous Vanity Fair cover shoot during his show's first season.
"He wrote to me recently saying he thought I'd misused the word 'infamous, '" Mr. Hitchens says.
WSJ: Martin Amis and Christopher Hitchens, Authors and Friends
Things have moved on significantly since the Olympics' most infamous case of drug taking, he says.
CNN: Hi-tech tests to catch Olympics drug cheats at London 2012
Also lending a hand is the infamous finger found in a bowl of Wendy's chili.
All of them have nefarious histories and in many cases, previous owners infamous for their law-breaking.
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The infamous Silicon Valley lifestyle may also play a roll in driving women away.
Consider his infamous inaccessibility to the press, which leads to the most bathetic scene in Mrs.
This park is famous for its elephants and rhinos and infamous for its poachers.
For others he is more like Torquemada, the infamous head of the Spanish Inquisition.
ECONOMIST: One of the world��s most famous judges is questioned
The comparison is obvious: BlackBerry's already-infamous "Can't Do" commercial in this year's Super Bowl vs.
ENGADGET: Editorial: BlackBerry slumps into history of Super Bowl tech ads
The infamous wall between Church and State created its own set of communications issues.
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Voters in Palm Beach county claim they were confused by the infamous butterfly ballot.
She was infamous, and earned her name by striking airships out of the sky.
The city is infamous for its traffic, but Siegel tried to bike to work.
That was where some of the infamous Enron tapes, like this one, were recorded.
He tackled the amministrazione pubblica, Italy's infamous not-so-civil service, slightly reducing the miles of red tape.
Surprisingly, the now-infamous AGPS bug is still alive and well right now on the Epic.
Salem burned itself an infamous place in history with the1692 hysteria that put innocent people to death for witchcraft.
And the founders of Kazaa, another infamous peer-swapper, have launched a legal outlet called Joost.
Did the infamous FBI agent (the shirtless one) following established protocol in initiating the investigation?
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Pursuing his plan for Gurgaon entailed navigating infamous bureaucracies and braving political fire.