More can be done to cut stillbirths and infant death rates in Cumbria, an NHS report has said.
BBC: More can be done to cut Cumbria stillbirths, experts say
His death was attributed to Sudden Infant Death Sydrome, associated with sleeping in the same bed as his mother.
It found evidence for a strong link between breastfeeding and lower risk of obesity, diabetes, childhood leukaemia and sudden infant death syndrome.
The researchers studied the brains of 27 children, of which 19 died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and eight from other conditions.
Situated downwind of a belt of incinerators in Saitama prefecture, the city has an infant death rate 40% to 70% higher than the average for the prefecture.
Research has show that second-hand smoke can increase the risk of a range of conditions, including sudden infant death syndrome and asthma, as well as impairing lung function.
Pathologist Professor Peter Berry, for the prosecution, said in his opinion the two children had been suffocated and were not victims of sudden infant death syndrome or cot death.
These vulnerable groups are disproportionately represented in public housing, they point out, and may be at increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome, asthma, respiratory infections, heart attacks, and cancer.
He pointed out that in Sweden, rates of sudden infant death had - despite a fall in the early 1990s - returned to the same rate as in the 1970s.
Secondhand smoke can increase the risk of respiratory ailments, lung cancer, and heart disease in nonsmokers, and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome and middle ear infections in children.
The results show up in infant death rates.
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"There should be nothing in the crib but the baby, " says Rachel Moon, who heads the AAP's task force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), officially any death of a baby under age 1 that remains unexplained after a thorough investigation.
Dr Rachel Moon, of the Children's Medical Center, in Washington DC, and one of the authors, suggested that children who sleep on the backs at home may be at increased risk of sudden infant death if they are placed on their front during the day.
Dr Paul Goldwater, from the Women and Children's Hospital in North Adelaide, said that a recent rise in cot deaths in the state of Victoria - despite the "back to sleep" advice - raised question marks over its true role in the fall in sudden infant death.
Secondhand smoke exposure causes eye irritation, asthma and other acute respiratory diseases and is thought to be a cause of infant crib death.
Milllie's mother, Rachael Martin, from Kesh, is accused of cruelty and allowing the infant's death.
Hospital staff failed to give adequate care and treatment to a baby and her parents before and after the infant's death, a watchdog has said.
There was no doubt that a brain injury had caused the infant's death, but experts clashed over whether it had been accidental or inflicted on purpose.
BBC: SCCRC casts doubt on baby killer Faisal Younas' conviction
There have been many new outbreaks of this very preventable disease across the country, some leading to the death of the infant.
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But as Dr. Paul Offit tells us in a tragic story, refusing the vaccine can lead directly to the death of an infant.
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Layla Ibrahim Issa Jumul was 23 years old and the mother of a six-month-old infant when she was sentenced to death by stoning on counts of adultery by a Sudanese judge last July.
"We in the community are demanding that the prosecutor charge the driver of BMW that caused the death of this couple and infant ... with triple homicide, " Abraham said in a statement.
"Another death involved a 10-month-old infant who presented with septic shock following treatment with homeopathic medicines and dietary restriction for chronic eczema, " the authors say.