Infant mortality in the East End of London is twice as high as in Surrey.
Infant mortality declined from 1 in 10 back then to 1 in 150 today.
At first, Escobar focused on lowering the infant mortality rate at the hospital where she'd volunteered.
Infant mortality has declined, and some 100, 000 teachers have been hired to narrow the yawning teacher-student ratio.
But we still lag other industrialized nations in population health measures like infant mortality and life expectancy.
Infant mortality was lowest in the high-growth countries, and improved in those countries by the biggest margin.
Any improvement in these areas, says Cooper, improves many other health issues, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and infant mortality.
Diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and infant mortality are major health issues among Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.
WHITEHOUSE: Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Blog
In the U.S. over the past 20 years, crime, traffic fatalities, air pollution and infant mortality have dropped.
Statistics also show infant mortality in the town is above the national average.
American infant mortality was 6.7 per 1, 000 births in 2007, against an OECD average (excluding Mexico and Turkey) of 4.0.
Now, because fewer people go uninsured, the infant mortality rate has dropped and the immunisation rate for toddlers is improving.
With rates of infant mortality about 15 times higher than those today, many of your generation did well to make it.
It's infant mortality rate of 47.40 deaths per 1, 000 live births ranks 47th highest out of 223 ranked by the CIA World Factbook.
Mid-nineteenth-century Americans endured a high rate of infant mortality but expected that most individuals who reached young adulthood would survive at least into middle age.
But according to US government statistics, Afghanistan's dismal rate of infant mortality, a basic indicator of a country's development, has shown no sign of improvement.
Infant mortality has plummeted, and people are living longer and longer.
But when Gates examined the situation more closely, he discovered that one reason people have lots of children is because of high infant mortality rates.
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It has clearly been proven that maternal education reduces infant mortality.
Ranked at number 23, the UK had fewer women in Parliament and higher maternal and infant mortality rates than much of Europe, Save the Children reported.
The CDC database is the primary repository for the government's information on everything from infant mortality rates and cancer deaths to accidental poisonings and heart disease.
It turns out that making money means creating affordable, transformative technologies that fight hunger, alleviate poverty, raise income levels, preserve water and decrease infant mortality rates.
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Targets have already been set for 2015, by when all children should get at least primary education, and infant mortality should be reduced by two thirds.
The United Against Infant Mortality project works in schools and with families to grow vegetable gardens and teach children and parents the importance of healthy eating.
But it has brought the benefit of a longer and better life, and not just for the old: since 1980, infant mortality has fallen by 45%.
Dr Sen's efforts in public health programmes, say local doctors, helped bringing down the infant mortality rate in the state and deaths caused by diarrhoea and dehydration.
Since Mr Meles came to power, infant mortality has fallen by half, school attendance has risen dramatically and life expectancy has increased from 45 to 55 years.
The program was developed in response to the shocking infant mortality statistics in the United States, as well as to prevent low birth weight and premature babies.
The council has set up the Infant Mortality Rate in Luton group to investigate all the causes, including links to deprivation and poverty, as well as genetic issues.
It found the county had lower stillbirths and infant mortality than England and North West averages and also when compared with similar areas, such as Devon and Yorkshire.
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