They tote a computerized clipboard called a DIAD (Delivery Information Acquisition Device), which houses an internal radio that simultaneously captures and transmits delivery information.
To address some of these issues, the Information Technology Acquisition Advisory Council (ITAAC) has organized a series of rountable meetings to highlight and identify much needed solutions to these acquisition pitfalls.
The problem that forward thinkers on cyber security like Kendall, Alexander, and former deputy defense secretary Bill Lynn face is that the existing information grid and acquisition system have spawned constituencies with deep roots in the political system.
FORBES: Pentagon Tech Chief Points To Big Problem In Protecting Networks
Unlike consumer grade smart phones that yield low performance and high failure rates when force-fit into line of business applications, the CS40 is built on Windows Embedded Handheld technologies including the Windows Mobile 6.5 platform and is designed for mobile professionals who need versatile and reliable access and acquisition of information in real-time, at the point of work.
ENGADGET: Intermec CS40 walks the work / play tightrope, WinMo 6.5 threatens to knock it off
Management support services include acquisition planning, information technology systems development, and program management.
WHITEHOUSE: White House Forum on Accountability in Federal Contracting | The White House
The general pattern of their conduct during this period wasthat KLUGER obtained Inside Information regarding certain planned merger and acquisition activities of public companies through his work on the corporate deals.
FORBES: Insider-Trading Suspect's Plan: Throw Cash In Washing Machine To Remove Fingerprints
Today geographic information systems leader Esri announced its acquisition of geo-locating platform Geoloqi, the 2010 FORBES Name You Need To Know company led by 26-year-old CEO Amber Case.
FORBES: Amber Case On Geoloqi Acquistion: 'Esri Is A Beautiful Match'
We consider free cash flow to be a liquidity measure that provides useful information to management and investors about the amount of cash generated by the business that, after the acquisition of property and equipment, including information technology infrastructure and land and buildings, can be used for strategic opportunities, including investing in our business, making strategic acquisitions, and strengthening the balance sheet.
Online museum inventories, with details of acquisition and provenance, are another rich source of information.
By radically changing the information technology business model, cloud computing also challenges the traditional federal acquisition process.
Discovering local information is extremely important to both users and businesses, and the acquisition of Clever Sense will benefit both.
His vehicle: "Global Intelligence, " precious and elusive information on the strengths, weaknesses and foibles of the brass at an acquisition target or at the client firm itself.
Evidence published Tuesday suggests that News Corp. was getting inside information from the government minister with the power to approve or block the acquisition, Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
CNN: James Murdoch blames underlings in phone-hacking inquiry
While the EDS acquisition cemented HP's spot in the top tier of information technology services firms, trailing only IBM, analysts had anticipated big cuts as HP integrated EDS' offerings with its own services arm.
By contrast, Dow Jones fits the mold of a traditional news media company, having tried and failed to compete in the financial data business in the 1990s through its troubled acquisition of Telerate, which it eventually unloaded in 1998 to Bridge Information Systems.
Recent research from organizations like Kennedy Information and SPI Research is providing insight into the impact of technology in client acquisition and retention for professional services firms. (For specific insights from these and other industry thought leaders, please visit our online summit.) These range from opportunity identification, to proposal development, service execution and expectations management.
FORBES: Practice Development In An Age Of Transformation: Part Two
The wiretaps were particularly damning for the defense as Rajaratnam is heard discussing inside information he received from a Goldman Sachs director, Rajat Gupta, about a potential acquisition the firm was expected to make.
On Sun's part, the acquisition gives the server and software company a database offering that is capable of storing and manipulating the information used by its software tools, a role it has largely handed to Oracle.
"Irregular and highly suspicious options trading immediately in front of a merger or acquisition announcement is a serious red flag that traders may be improperly acting on confidential non-public information" said the SEC's head of the Market Abuse Unit, Daniel Hawke.