In this high-tech information age few look to the most basic industries as sources of national economic power.
The huge complexity of some investigations in the 'information age' can mean this takes time.
The Information Age has run smack into the Innuendo Industry, and the Information Age has won.
"I walked in and it was like a tonic for the information age, " Willett says.
Goodman, Best Truth: Intelligence in the Information Age, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000, pp. 14-15.
No wonder kids are not getting the education they need for the Information Age.
Tennis has largely missed out on the information age and remains a "feel" sport.
The information age has made Thiel rich, but it has also been a disappointment to him.
Gordon, for example, argues that the growth bump of the information age has largely finished.
FORBES: Creating a "Politics of Abundance" to Match Technology Innovation
It's an irony of the information age that providers of information are the biggest losers.
Groups of people huddled around transistor radios in scenes reminiscent of a generation before the information age.
It has a decent shot at displacing Microsoft as the next great near-monopoly of the information age.
In this information age, people expect easy access to the latest technology and the products it spawns.
It may become a petri dish for how to build an educational system in the Information Age.
While it takes decades to build infrastructure, the benefits of the information age are diffused at lightning speed.
The United States firmly believes that key-recovery policy is necessary to stop the criminals of the information age.
It coincides with the rise of agriculture and civilization, through the industrial revolution to the information age today.
Perhaps in our information age, it is a more difficult task because it requires no props or tools.
Immigrants and their descendants helped pioneer new industries and fuel our Information Age, from Google to the iPhone.
The Information Age Initiative has a challenging programme of work ahead as outlined in the Leapfrog Action Plan.
In the Information Age, the true wealth of nations lies in people's ability to create, to communicate, to innovate.
The real sources of wealth, as the Information Age underscores, are human ingenuity and human inventiveness, not physical resources.
These information age workers who create all this convenience are nerdy, not neurotic.
During the 1980s Ronald Reagan farsightedly took their advice to heart, thereby triggering what has become the Information Age.
The push to bring the iron horse further into the information age continues.
Children from poorer backgrounds find it difficult to prepare for the information age.
Is it a mere coincidence that in the Information Age only these non-transparent investments are reputed to outperform the market?
That is what led to the dawn of the Information Age that arose from the office parks of Silicon Valley.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses the British Parliament
Those fully immersed in the information age, however, will be more inclined to fix the physical inconveniences presented by the problem.
It recommended that we rely on civil society, contractual negotiations, voluntary agreements, and ongoing marketplace experiments to solve information age problems.