What we have to do is just to convey information, in the most efficient, qualified, technically advanced way, but to convey only information.
They had discomfiting information to convey, and they did it directly but respectfully.
This is the final entropy law from the fertile mind and mathematics of Claude Shannon of MIT and Bell Labs, who defined information as unexpected bits. (Predictable bits convey no information content, no entropy.) Information entropy is measured by its surprisal.
Dashed lines convey information that Dash picks up via its historical traffic pattern information provider Inrix.
ENGADGET: Switched On: Dash delivers open roads, open questions (Part 1)
You don't have to be standing in my office for me to convey information to you.
I'm happy to try to convey information but I don't have an answer to that.
Software for social media and apps requires intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces that seamlessly convey information.
At Above The Law, we use anonymous sources frequently, usually to convey information about the inner workings of law firms.
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The benefit of a strong brand is that it can convey information about a product very efficiently, reckons the company.
ECONOMIST: Competition in your local supermarket is getting vicious
On the other hand, think of the additional information you could convey.
Indeed, the nerves from the taste buds meet in a part of the brain called the amygdala with nerves that convey information on the softness of food.
Our debate was not really about policing grammar, but rather how we have changed the way we convey information and context to others for personal and business purposes.
Mr Fischer's own expertise lies in this area: he deciphered the rongorongo script of Easter Island, something that looks more like a design for children's wallpaper than a way to convey information.
So, stop trying to convey information.
FORBES: Learn and Apply The Critical Communication Lesson From NBC's Olympic Timing Misfires
"It's going to make it harder in the future to convey accurate information, " said Dr. Hanson, a geologist.
You pick your favorite pizza and convey that information to Red Tomato.
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Advice: Never use e-mail to convey sensitive information, especially anonymously.
But as the point of a title should be to convey some information to others, saving them from embarrassment or hours of research, this would be something of an improvement.
Another Web-design faux pax: subjecting potential customers to fancy teaser screens--that often convey little information about the business or its products--before the action slows down and they can actively navigate the site.
How is it that a man who wraps his very existence and celebrity in the American flag can bring himself to convey this information to anyone who is listening rather than treat the matter with the seriousness such a circumstance would require?
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But it does convey how much more likely the winner was to break his opponent's serve than to have his serve broken, from game to game, which should convey useful information about the level of play he's bringing to his next match.
Badu has lovely eyes that convey reams of information without her saying a word.
On the one hand, they had to provide sufficient information in three pages to convey the relevant issues.
But if gestures convey some vital extra information, people in larger groups may limit their communication to nearby co-foragers.
And they convey this wealth of information (culled from a multi-volume encyclopedia recently issued by the same publisher) in a generally engaging and lively manner.
Mobile devices and apps, smart meters, and Internet histories can convey enormous amounts of information about activities both within and outside a home, all of which can potentially be accessed by third parties who never set foot in a home or its surroundings.
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Take three minutes to download, ten minutes to replay, all to listen to information that would take two minutes to convey in e-mail format.
The focus of autonomous vehicle research is on developing intelligent vehicles, or artificial intelligence for cars in some sense, while the focus of the blind driver challenge vehicle is developing methods to convey a vast amount of information to the driver through nonvisual means, fast enough and accurately enough for safe driving.
The information contained on this page does not and is not intended to convey medical advice.
CNN: Are elevated liver enzymes always linked to alcohol overuse?