Then the player can make an informed decision about whether to continue to play.
But one rash act or poorly informed decision can lead to sharp losses before you can say market correction.
This gives you enough time to really get a feel for it and make an informed decision.
Gather expert commentary and analysis on the industry and the company to help you make an informed decision.
People need to be able to make an informed decision about what to disclose, when and to whom.
To secure the relief, participants must receive sufficient information (as described in the regulations) to make an informed decision.
The Ninth Circuit has determined that a lay jury can sort through all this and deliver an informed decision.
MPs said many women are not able to make an informed decision on how they want to give birth.
For example, what rules should ensure that voters receive the unbiased facts they need to make an informed decision?
All sides of the balance sheet show clear trends, giving prospective investors an easier time to make an informed decision.
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Some racing fans plan out their wagers days in advance, poring over statistics and previous races to make an informed decision.
The best you can do is make an informed decision based on your research, taking your circumstances into consideration, and move forward.
FORBES: Don't Let Falling Home Prices Ruin Your Retirement Plans
"I wish someone had told me the risks were greater of inducing delivery, so I could make an informed decision, " she says.
The panel found that he did not provide two patients with enough information to make an informed decision on the risks of treatment.
Community, Culture and Leisure Minister Graham Cregeen said he hoped the trial would help his department make an informed decision on their suitability.
But if you had told me to just to cut back, the cutback would have been an arbitrary number, rather than an informed decision.
It's not about forcing students to believe in climate change, it's about allowing them to make an informed decision based on what they learn.
BBC: Keep climate change lessons in curriculum, urge petitions
Only in that case will there be an incentive to weigh the cost against the benefit and make an informed decision regarding the trade-offs.
He said the students "were told enough to get you into trouble but not enough to let you make an informed decision about the risks".
BBC: Panorama row: Six students on N Korea trip criticise LSE
"This stance prohibits informed decision-making by an electorate desperate for clarity, and merits closer scrutiny, " according to Dr Nicola McEwan, an ESRC fellow at Edinburgh University.
Buyers already have cameras that can scan bar codes and provide both the quantity and quality of information that result in rational pricing and informed decision-making.
FORBES: How Instant Mobile Commerce Will Disrupt The Way You Do Business
The American Urological Association, which revised its guidelines last April based on the same two studies, agrees that making an informed decision for screening is important.
CNN: Let men decide on prostate screening, cancer society says
More informed decision making promises to help save substantial amounts of money each year by pooling resources in the vehicles that offer the best value for the taxpayer.
Having this important information provided both clearly and transparently will help students and their parents invest wisely and make the best, most informed decision possible about where to enroll.
Fortunately the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) is starting to address the issue, saying women should be presented with "evidence based information" so they can make an "informed decision".
Furthermore, national policy documents have been recently prepared, highlighting a series of obstacles hindering progress towards EFA goals achievement, demonstrating the need for evidence-based policy formulation and better informed decision-making.
Ensuring affordable high-speed Internet connections and equally affordable access to electronic scientific information and data for all the world's universities and research institutions has become indispensable for informed decision-making and knowledge production.
The futures market provides farmers with a sneak preview of the prices they will face in the months ahead, which should allow them to make an informed decision about what to sow.
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