Danny Kinahan of the UUP warned of the dangers of a major European Commission infraction.
Imagine if that something was a relatively minor infraction due to a error in judgement.
He did not commit any infraction, he did not do anything illegal, he is a free man.
For example, in the case of if a TV viewer saw an infraction and called it in.
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These people broke the law, but it's a civil infraction, not capital murder.
For instance, in many cases the Internet subscriber might have no knowledge of the infraction that the ISP detects.
The girl was traveling with her grandfather, who was denied entry because of an immigration infraction two decades earlier.
And you mentioned an example of, you know, aggressive vehicle infraction enforcement and how people might perceive that as targeted.
She warned of the danger of the European Commission imposing infraction fines if the department did not take appropriate action.
Referee Nigel Owens awarded a penalty try but opted not to sin-bin Spice, ruling the scrum-half's infraction was only accidental.
It ultimately comes down to each school to decide that having an infraction-free team is better than one that may make more money.
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In other words, singling out the four players because of this specific infraction seems rather arbitrary punishing the few for the sins of the many.
However, Hamilton was issued a penalty on Friday in practice sessions and will start fifth on the grid, due to the infraction issued by race officials.
But nothing came of that proposal, as evidenced by the most recent quiet period infraction by Salesforce.com (nyse: CRM - news - people ).
The environment committee chair explained the importance of the modiolus (horse mussel) reefs in the lough and the possible infraction fines levied the European Commission to protect the mussel beds.
"As the recent debate over racial profiling demonstrates all too clearly, a relatively minor traffic infraction may often serve as an excuse for stopping and harassing an individual, " O'Connor wrote.
Drive from one bar to another, and you can expect to be pulled over for the slightest infraction by a cop eager to get an up-close look for any signs of booziness.
But this woman only came to the attention of federal authorities because local law enforcement officers arrested her for an infraction that would have normally resulted in a slap on the wrist.
If the conversation doesn't yield desired results, the infraction is too severe to not be reported to someone in authority or you simply cannot handle a direct confrontation, you may need to contact others.
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That, no doubt, was a regulatory infraction.
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Ovechkin then went to the box to serve the second infraction, and he watched the score become 3-1 just 41 seconds later, when Rick Nash's one-timer from the right circle grazed Callahan's right leg on the way to the net.
Last year, on the cusp of what might have been his big breakthrough, he called a penalty on himself in a playoff against Furyk in the Verizon Heritage Open, which cost him the championship (only Davis saw the infraction).
The NCAA improperly relied on that report and never identified a rules infraction "based on Sandusky's crimes, much less an infraction by Penn State that implicated the NCAA's jurisdiction and core mission of ensuring competitive balance, " the Paterno family report said.
When it was discovered in the late 1990s that many of the mussels were actually dead, the EU warned that if the remainder were not immediately protected and their restoration assured, infraction proceedings would follow with the potential for massive fines to be imposed.
ProPublica has tried to link consulting payments to unrelated bad behavior among its physician-consultants. (According to this accompanying article, 1.4% of all doctors who receive drug company payments have some kind of infraction on their record, not all serious.) And certainly there have been some troubling reports of prominent researchers, at Harvard and elsewhere, who never disclosed their consulting fees while promoting one therapy over another.
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