Once in place, infrared light is shone through the skin and to the tumor.
It uses a small spectrometer to bounce infrared light off particles in the sample.
They made the device from a photoactive plastic that converts infrared light into an electrical current.
ENGADGET: UCLA creates transparent solar cell, dreams of current generating windows
The glasses are equipped with a near-infrared light source, which confuses the software without affecting vision.
The near-infrared light "appends noise to photographed images without affecting human visibility, " he said.
The only instruments capable of measuring such vibrations, though, were spectroscopes--meter-long glass-and-metal optical devices that used infrared light.
Infrared light is used mainly for optical communication--including for sending messages between a remote control and the TV.
The only instruments capable of measuring such vibrations, though, were spectroscopes--4-foot-long glass-and-metal optical devices that used infrared light.
Current solar power largely ignores near-infrared light and wastes about 40 percent of the potential energy it could harness.
This new wireless remote system operates from a radio signal rather than infrared light, dramatically increasing functionality and range.
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It works by combining a 3D sensor with a projector that emits an invisible, infrared light in a complex pattern.
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One key finding was that enlisting the touch cortex to detect infrared light did not reduce its ability to process touch signals.
The Wise telescope instead looks at the infrared light emitted from space rocks, which is related to the temperature of the object.
The other is a non-contact method by detecting intensity of the invisible infrared light that naturally emanates from every surface in this Universe.
The infrared light that is reflected by a plant shows how efficiently photosynthesis occurs in that plant and can provide insight into its general health.
Infrared light is emitted from all objects, even if they are dark, allowing a much more accurate calculation of their size and therefore their age.
The near-infrared photoactive polymer absorbs more near-infrared light but is less sensitive to visible light, balancing solar cell performance and transparency in the visible wavelength region.
ENGADGET: UCLA creates transparent solar cell, dreams of current generating windows
Because the image was taken in infrared light, it cuts through much of the Milky Way's obscuring dust, allowing astronomers to observe details of the galactic center.
He points out that the second video contains a strange shot in which one boy disappears under infrared light, which seems to be a confusing joke in an otherwise plausible video.
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The UCLA team describes a new kind of polymer solar cell (PSC) that produces energy by absorbing mainly infrared light, not visible light, making the cells nearly 70% transparent to the human eye.
ENGADGET: UCLA creates transparent solar cell, dreams of current generating windows
For straight ahead, there are some night vision systems on the market that use a camera that sees reflected infrared light, to detect warm bodies like pedestrians or deer that would otherwise be invisible.
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The signal preemption idea was born in the early 1970s, when 3M devised a system that let emergency vehicles change traffic signals with pulses of strobe lights (later, infrared light) transmitted to receivers mounted over roadways.
When nearly 30 years ago Dr. Jacob Fraden invented an ear thermometer working on this second principle, the infrared light sensor was so large that he needed a narrow gold-plated reflective tube to channel the light from the ear drum to the sensor.
Terahertz light - which lies between infrared light like that used by remote controls and the microwaves in the appliance of the same name - has become popular in scanning technology at airports and museums' back rooms because it can extract information without risk of damage.
In the researchers' new imaging system, a beam of infrared laser light is widely dispersed throughout a room.
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In this case, Richardson combined a couple of Arduino circuit boards with an infrared LED light -- that little red bubble on the front of your TV remote -- and programmed the whole thing to interact with a TV's closed-captioning system.
But during the trial Astra brought in a drug-delivery expert from the University of Nottingham who analyzed Andrx's pellets under a microscope with infrared and ultraviolet light and concluded they contain a third layer after all, thus infringing Astra's patents.
The polymers return to a pre-defined shape when heated to a certain temperature, and, when damage is detected, an infrared laser sends light through the network to the damaged area, triggers the shape-memory, and commands the area to repair the crack or tear -- regaining up to 96 percent of its original strength.
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If the light were not infrared but were instead in the visible spectrum, there was enough of it that the naked eye could have seen a glow, according to Phaedon Avouris , manager of nanometer scale science and technology at IBM (nyse: IBM - news - people ) Research Laboratories in Yorktown Heights, N.
The light from the planet was detected in infrared form by the Spitzer Space Telescope, which also detected the first light from another exoplanet, the gas giant HD 209458 b.