Nana took her turn with the hookah, inhaled, felt the blue glow enter her.
If accidentally swallowed or inhaled, the magnets can pinch internal tissue, causing infection or even death.
It can injure the eyes and skin on contact, and, if inhaled, can damage the lungs.
But in the last decade Pfizer, Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly all scrapped expensive inhaled-insulin projects.
And the more often people inhaled cigarette smoke, the more likely they were to develop sinusitis.
Her mother, too weak to sit up in bed, lay against her pillows and inhaled deeply.
Authorities hope the results will help determine whether the poison was swallowed, inhaled or injected.
The air passages constrict when allergens (flower pollen, for instance) or other irritants are inhaled.
Perhaps, he supposed, he had inhaled the fumes of the solvent he was using.
ECONOMIST: Albert Hofmann, chemist, died on April 29th, aged 102
Nektar cofounder John Patton, a marine biologist by training, got into inhaled drug delivery almost by accident.
It can blister a person's lungs if it is inhaled and can cause death in high concentrations.
It is also feared that individual gems could be inhaled and become lodged in a child's lung.
He had hoped the tests might determine whether Khan swallowed, inhaled or was injected with the poison.
Since 2000 firms such as Elan , Vectura Limited and Bristol-Myers Squibb all threw in the towel on inhaled insulin.
Pfizer spent billions of dollars and the tenures of two chief executives on Exubera, the first inhaled insulin.
Pfizer spent the tenures of two chief executives and billions of dollars on Exubera, the first inhaled insulin.
Mann started his push for inhaled insulin in the late 1990s after looking for ways to diversify Minimed.
Second-hand smoke from a smouldering cigarette is far more noxious than the nicotine-infused fumes inhaled by the smoker.
Kameswari Konduri, an allergist at the Medical College of Wisconsin, found that inhaled D-4F helped treat asthma in mice.
This means they inhaled the byproducts and the byproducts got into their body.
Secondhand smoke, which is also called environmental tobacco smoke, is smoke inhaled involuntarily.
The stench was one of the most disgusting things I had ever inhaled.
Even junk issues have been inhaled by investors desperate for any yield pick-up over puny Treasury and high-grade bond yields.
Home Office Pathologist Prof Guy Rutty told the inquest Sonny had suffered head injuries, burns and had inhaled hot gases.
Treatment often includes inhaled corticosteroids, to reduce inflammation, and long- and short-acting beta agonists like albuterol, to relax airway muscles.
The company says it believes it kills germs when inhaled as a vapor and has begun tests to verify that.
Inhale Therapeutic Systems , best known for developing an experimental inhaled insulin with Pfizer , is doffing its old name.
E-cigarettes work by vaporising nicotine-laced liquid that can be inhaled, replicating the effect of smoking without all of the carcinogens.
They tickled my toes, hugged me when I laughed, dug their faces into my neck and inhaled deeply before kissing.
As little as 500 micrograms, the size of the head of a pin, can kill an adult if inhaled or ingested.