He then explained to Mr Millar that the NCF had initiallywritten its report criticising the health board for not including plans for the future use of district general hospitals in north Wales.
Listen.com, also in San Francisco, is using a similar idea to build a directory of music on the web, complete with reviews writteninitially by its own reviewers, but incorporating the comments of visitors to its website as well.
Dahl's piece was written for a leaflet initially published by the Sandwell Health Authority and now published on Oxford University's Vaccine Knowledge Project website.
Write caching would store data to be written on the HDD in flash memory initially until enough data was in the flash cache to do an efficient write to the HDD disks.
Glover's takeover was initially agreed last week but was subject to the RFL's final written confirmation that he had passed a fit and proper person test.
He said the software didn't work initially but only because the information that had to be decoded by the software was written in the Cyrillic alphabet, instead of ASCII.