Outraged by the injustice, he joins his older brother Teddy (Padriac Delaney) in the guerilla war.
And besides, the rarity of an injustice should not impact whether that injustice is remedied.
"The real injustice is to the thousands of people who need jobs out there, "he says.
It was a very good example of the injustice of the English libel laws.
Rather, Russia's actions in Georgia have created a general sense of injustice, says Mr Mutsolgov.
An injustice was perpetrated a few weeks ago at the federal courthouse in Concord, New Hampshire.
It also does injustice to the memory of women martyrs who died for their faith.
In the face of this injustice, the United States and the international community moved swiftly.
The blog of former policewoman Ta Phong Tan denounced corruption and injustice in Vietnam's legal system.
BBC: Vietnamese bloggers deny charges, third in leniency bid
An injustice was perpetrated a few weeks ago at the Federal courthouse in Concord, N.
If you continue doing injustice, and tolerate injustice, the wrath of God will come.
"Such a delay is injustice to the accused and injustice to the victims, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Long wait for Mumbai blasts justice
Where there is no common power, there is no law, where no law, no injustice...
In these pages a year ago I wrote about an injustice perpetrated in New Hampshire.
For far too many, being born a girl remains a lifelong sentence to inequality and injustice.
And my question: Will the President extend clemency rather than allowing this monumental injustice?
That injustice is primarily a British export, shipped abroad in the days of the empire.
At the same time, though, Germans feel the Euro to be a haven for injustice.
Zarras injustice by creating the opportunities for me that The Shaq somehow took away.
Yet this is no more an injustice than my permanent inability to dunk a basketball.
Can there be a more vivid case of discrimination and more clear evidence of injustice?
Nor were there cures for the underlying causes pointed to by the left: injustice, discrimination, poverty.
Mass murderers tend to be middle-aged men who see themselves as victims of injustice.
On the other hands these matters often turn on their facts, and injustice is often obvious.
They were willing and determined to get rid of injustice, corruption, nepotism, and poverty.
If you remain on the side of injustice, the wrath of God will come.
The hierarchal class structure of Britain still exists and still causes injustice to millions.
It would be a grave injustice to let taxes increase for these Americans right now.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Tax Cuts and Unemployment Extension
We know how to come together and fight against injustice when the alleged perpetrators are white.
For the roots of injustice to be uprooted, development money must not line pockets.