Its members were from Freehold, an industrial town half an hour inland from the boardwalk carnies and the sea.
Weaving its way through a maze of broccoli-coloured islands in waters where Orca whales can be spotted during the summer months, the journey crosses the invisible frontier between the urban frenzy of Seattle and the soporific rhythms of the Puget Sound, the inland sea in which the San Juan Islands are located .
BBC: Cycling the San Juan Islands
You hug the ridge of a huge inland cliff, looking out over a sea of moorland and trees towards the Scottish uplands.
BBC: Walking Hadrian��s Wall
Sitting on the border between two former Soviet states, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the Aral Sea was once the fourth-largest inland sea in the world.
NPR: Book Takes Wide-Angle View of a Changing Planet
Back then, in the Permian era, a vast inland sea covered much of west Texas and south-eastern New Mexico.
ECONOMIST: Old salts
The route heads inland to dry and hot Llanca before reaching the turn-off for Cadaques, where the Pyrenees meet the sea.
BBC: Over the Pyrenees to Dali��s house
Part of the somewhat neglected southern stretch of Kafue National Park, though, is dominated by Lake Itezhi-Tezhi, an inland sea created by the dammed Kafue River that has given rise to superbly scenic, land- and water-based wildlife-watching experiences.
BBC: Birding in Zambia��s wild