In Mrs Jimenez's case, the Inland Revenue argued that this obligation was not fulfilled.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Diplomatic immunity? Not from the taxman
Back in the mid-80s, I was an employee of the Inland Revenue in Mansfield.
That's 30 letters and two spaces, too long for the Inland Revenue's online form.
Merge the Contributions Agency with the Inland Revenue in April 1999 - announced March Budget 1998.
CSA's functions should be transferred to the Inland Revenue, which already has information about earnings.
The Inland Revenue would probably have to hire 5, 000 extra staff to deal with the extra work.
Among its members are Customs and Excise representatives, the police, the NIO, Home Office and the Inland Revenue.
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The first was to prove to the Inland Revenue that we could run Coleraine FC at a profit.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Irish | Coleraine report financial upturn
The credits are paid by the Inland Revenue direct to the parent who takes most responsibility for childcare.
This includes giving greater resources to the Inland Revenue to pursue those paying less tax than they should.
If you pay lower rate tax - 10% - then you can reclaim some tax from the Inland Revenue.
About a quarter of jobs could be cut at a Telford Inland Revenue site, according to a trade union.
He said the GP pay award had been based on factual information provided by GPs to the Inland Revenue.
Coleraine were facing extinction last year through a winding-up order after the Inland Revenue went to the High Court.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Irish | Coleraine report financial upturn
You can get this form from local Inland Revenue or Benefits Agency offices.
Having overpaid 1.9m recipients in one year, the Inland Revenue then attempted to claw the money back the following year.
Inland falters as its on line tax return fails to attract customers and the woman snowed under with paper.
However, it often took an hour or more before people in the waiting room were seen by Inland Revenue advisers.
In some Inland Revenue offices emergency measures had to be introduced to cope with the flow of tax credit claimants.
Both the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise are also keen to get out of the business of managing property.
But other councils said they would leave it up to schools or were relying on the Inland Revenue to tell parents.
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Otherwise you will have to reclaim the tax from the Inland Revenue.
It was trade unionism that gave him his first chance of advancement, as a senior official of the Inland Revenue Staff Federation.
That figure includes the tax relief you get from the Inland Revenue.
Figures given in a parliamentary answer to Conservative MP George Osborne show three people were dismissed last year because of misuse at the Inland Revenue.
Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise told to be "very sympathetic" to rural businesses in trouble, possibly allowing deferment of payments of taxes and national insurance.
In response, an Inland Revenue spokesperson told BBC News Online that such emergency measures were short lived and the system was now on an even keel.
Like most rich men, he does not keep his money in a piggy bank under the bed to be taken annually to the Inland Revenue for counting.
There is little optimism that the former head of the Inland Revenue, Sir David Varney, will recommend a regional reduction in corporation tax after reviewing the matter.
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