In May 2011 the FBI called again for a general inquiry about King Street Patriots.
I'm sure tomorrow, if there was an inquiry about a film which excited me creatively, why not?
Concerned parents have until May 2009 to make an inquiry about their child.
It said, if appropriate, Ms Granger's review would be fed into the wider inquiry about sexual harassment in the corporation being headed by Dinah Rose QC.
Chairman and Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch faced questioning Wednesday before a press-ethics inquiry about whether he used the company to call in political favors and push his commercial interests.
Anne Diamond, the broadcaster who gave evidence to the Leveson inquiry about press intrusion following the cot death of her baby son, Sebastian, in 1991, said she felt "desperately hurt and disillusioned".
BBC: Press regulation: Reaction to royal charter announcement
He said there were serious doubts that Israel would conduct an independent inquiry and about the segregation of its justice system.
Mr. Lopez's chief of staff didn't immediately respond to an inquiry Saturday about whether Mr. Lopez still intends to pursue a City Council seat.
He said many had said they wanted the inquiry to be about acknowledgement and not compensation.
BBC: Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Bill cont'd.
Meanwhile, Janus Capital Group (JNS) and Wellington Management say they received an inquiry from authorities about insider trading.
The most revealing line of inquiry may be about her views on the use of foreign and international law when judging cases.
Mr Reitemeier said the inquiry would take about a year and a half, and would involve bringing together a panel of experts to look at particular themes in childhood.
Let's look at a Senate inquiry that came about this week, looking into the situation in New Orleans, and the Gulf Coast region, and Hurricane Katrina, and the like.
Last week, Kennard rejected a recommendation from the FCC's Local and State Government Advisory Committee to begin an inquiry into complaints about cable companies with an eye towards forcing them to open up their networks.
But my amusement comes from the way on which, as always happens, when we open a discussion, have an inquiry into, about how such and such an area of life should be regulated we get the same groups leaping in with the same old arguments.
The inquiry is particularly concerned about the use of unsupervised tanning booths, which are banned in Scotland.
The public inquiry also raised questions about the power the Department of Health wielded over the health service.
Recent leaks to the Sunday papers suggest the Stafford inquiry will be more about the NHS as a whole than just one hospital.
Sussex Police said they would not be able to release further information about the inquiry until results of a post mortem examination being held on Tuesday were known.
It started to play out BBC Radio Stoke as apparently one of the core participants liked to tune in so he could hear what I was saying about the inquiry.
Finally, given the seriousness of the Committee's inquiry and its conclusions about me, it is disappointing to have to note the highly unusual spectacle that a Committee member has seen fit to publish a self-proclaimed controversial book in advance of the Report where he and a co-author prejudge that I and others at News International misled Parliament.
For six months, a cross-party parliamentary inquiry has been holding hearings about the burqa.
So this contains some additional information about the police inquiry beyond what was in the programme.
The first question they will all likely ask will be about the NCAA inquiry.
However, the most pointed questions at the inquiry this week have been about the government's reaction.
She was taking part in a Welsh assembly debate about the public inquiry into the Stafford Hospital scandal.
BBC: Lesley Griffiths: NHS staff 'should report care concerns'
Ms Harman also quizzed Mr Clegg about the Leveson Inquiry into media standards.
On Monday night, Grassley sent a letter to Ruemmler, asking about how the inquiry was conducted and how the conclusion was reached.
The father of a BBC journalist who apparently killed himself has called for an inquiry into how his complaints about alleged harassment were handled.
BBC: Russell Joslin death: BBC bosses 'could have done more'
And there may be more limitations on the way as the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau recently launched an inquiry asking banks for data about their overdraft practices.
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