They seemed to hold a mystery as inscrutable as the clotted branches of their mangroves.
They were inscrutable vestals, their laughter a song, their grace a dream of delight.
But the algorithm and the editorial voice behind the topics list are otherwise inscrutable.
But not all the software stuff is inscrutable -- some things are really helpful.
But being inscrutable apparently is no obstacle to success in defense, because Raytheon is thriving.
Heads ultimately rolled, but the once inscrutable Apple, for the first time in recent memory, seemed vulnerable.
Abraham Lincoln has rarely been portrayed as a tyrant (except by die-hard Confederates), but often as inscrutable.
The page itself is an inscrutable quagmire, but even so, more than half a million people voted.
An uncritical reading of Enron's inscrutable reports indicates it was running so much faster than everyone else.
And yet what city is more exquisitely inscrutable even to its own people?
Observers have long noted that hospital pricing practices are both opaque and inscrutable.
Management claimed to have gone to elaborate pains to make the software in its control systems inscrutable to reverse engineering.
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In pondering his most inscrutable work of art, his own life, we can find clues in things like the iPhone.
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria studies the timing of demographic milestones and recognizes the inscrutable variables.
Because divine purpose is inscrutable, it necessarily escapes representation and is only sporadically available even to the intuitions of the faithful.
But what is this inscrutable, mysterious force that draws me to you?
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's lyrics are inscrutable as ever, but she's still a dynamic frontwoman.
He studied the inscription with a contorted, inscrutable expression on his face.
Greenspan, 81, famous for his frequently inscrutable comments in his two decades as Fed chief, has become a bit more plainspoken since retiring last year.
However, they are straightforward and elegant when compared with the confusing menus and inscrutable icons that dominate most non-TiVo DVRs, and most DVD recorders.
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The No. 2 ranked timer is also a bear, though his methods are slightly less conventional (though no more inscrutable) than those of Luciano.
After seeing David Lynch's inscrutable "Lost Highway, " Will and I cornered co-star Bill Pullman at a party and, unsolicited, offered our interpretation of the film.
The inscrutable Mr Rajoy will keep everyone guessing until the end.
But the council is also accused of being sluggish and inscrutable.
The rest of the time, she was beyond inscrutable, in perpetual motion: cleaning, organizing, cooking meals, going to the store to return this, pick up that.
His symptoms include elaborate booby-traps, writing inscrutable sentences on the walls of his apartment, and gathering together one of the most impressive gun collections on television.
Room numbers, for instance, followed an inscrutable scheme: rooms on the second floor were given numbers beginning with 1, and third-floor room numbers began with 2.
But in the era of Apple's excellent iMovie, the same old Sony package seems downright quaint, with five separate programs that range from simple-but-limited to powerful-but-inscrutable.
Ambassadors who have fled humanity for their own inscrutable reasons.
Even if the American election itself seems inscrutable to Japanese voters, the result -- a leader who is in office for at least four years -- looks good.