Keepers hope Tian Tian and the male Yang Guang mate naturally, but will also attempt artificial insemination.
Dias, who is not Catholic, testified she didn't know artificial insemination violated church doctrine or her employment pact.
She said dogmatic European breeders are "very leery" of artificial insemination for dogs.
Hundreds of test-tube babies have been born through artificial insemination in Japan since the first successful case in 1983.
When the pregnancy is the result of insemination or in-vitro fertilisation without consent.
Instead a team from Germany moved in, attempting artificial insemination, the details of which are probably best left to the imagination.
Mei Xiang was put under general anesthesia for the artificial insemination and was expected to undergo a second procedure later Saturday.
Some in the government argue that the law should go even further by offering state funding for artificial insemination for gay couples.
BBC: French gay marriage and adoption bill backed by cabinet
The cub, conceived through artificial insemination, was 14-year-old mother Mei Xiang's second in seven years with 15-year-old Tian Tian, the zoo's male giant panda.
Last year, von Anhalt announced that he wanted Gabor to become a mother again using an egg donor, artificial insemination and a surrogate mother.
At the moment, would-be parents are offered a sperm "washing" technique prior to insemination, which removes cells and other detritus which can harbour the virus.
"We've waited 13 years for this, " added Ms Higgins-Goodell, as she was holding the daughter her partner Tristan gave birth to last year via artificial insemination.
Argentina is the first Latin American country to legalize gay marriage and Kirchner has promoted free contraception and artificial insemination, all positions opposed by the church.
But by recognizing nearly every form of artificial insemination, the ABBI sets itself apart from, say, the world of thoroughbred horses, which requires breeding live cover.
"The Kids Are All Right" (July 7): This dark comedy is about what happens when two kids conceived by artificial insemination invite their father into their lives.
CNN: 10 summer movies that we're actually looking forward to
The Kansas Department for Children and Families said any agreement would not apply because a physician did not perform the insemination, which Marotta said was news to him.
The Swedish Government also proposed allowing lesbians to receive artificial insemination, but the issue has been put on hold until a number of legal loopholes have been cleared up.
The church considers artificial insemination immoral and a violation of church doctrine, and the contract required her to comply with the philosophies and teachings of the Catholic church, Goodin said.
He also argued the scale of planning involved in providing a child for gay couples through donor insemination and surrogacy methods often makes them better parents than their heterosexual counterparts.
Currently donors remain anonymous and the 1, 100 children born every year in the UK as a result of insemination from sperm banks will grow up never knowing about their biological fathers.
Those who favour change argue that children born as a result of donor insemination can be psychologically damaged by discovering in later life that they will never know their biological father.
They revealed Mr Beatie - a former Hawaiian beauty queen - had conceived by artificial insemination, carried out with a syringe by his wife in their home, with sperm purchased from a bank.
The only technology the self-impregnating woman needs is a straw or turkey baster, and the basic technique hasn't changed much since Talmudic scholars debated the religious implications of insemination without sex in the fifth century.
During the artificial insemination, the team of scientists and veterinarians used a combination of fresh semen collected from Tian Tian early this morning and frozen semen collected from Tian Tian in 2003, the zoo said.
People debated whether they consummated that marriage or if artificial insemination played a role, but Jackson left in 1999 with custody of two children, a son known as Prince Michael and a daughter named Paris.
And he's followed that up with a proposal that, should a future monarch join a civil partnership, any child of that partnership, whether by adoption or artificial insemination, should be the heir to the throne.
The HFEA also wants any national strategy to cover not just the fertility treatments which it currently regulates, but also treatments such as donor insemination and fertility hormone injections which also contribute to twin and triplet births.
After that point, as word slowly spread, doctors began to quietly experiment with artificial insemination with donor sperm, working only with infertile heterosexual couples, turning to friends of the couple or -- once again -- their medical students.
Dr. Abu Khaizaran also encourages the women to spread word of their plans to use artificial insemination in their community so they do not face ridicule or more sinister repercussions if they are suspected of cheating on their imprisoned husbands.