It depends on the relative inelasticity of demand (insensitivity to price) for the various services.
FORBES: Financial Reform: Wall Street Sins, But Banks And Their Customers Pay The Price
She blamed them more for their insecurities than she blamed men for their insensitivity or their sexism.
Here he examines a different sort of insensitivity: to the ties that bind families, across time and space.
It could end up a humble affair that avoids stoking resentment and complaints of insensitivity during harsh economic times.
Katie has androgen insensitivity syndrome, which was only discovered when she had a hernia operation when she was six.
David Muir of the Evangelical Alliance also accused the singer of "blatant insensitivity".
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Madonna's giant cross 'offensive'
Not an issue of cruelty or insensitivity or lack of dream for Utopia, but a simple matter of economics.
Just at the moment when Europe's leaders are demanding severe austerity cuts from Greece comes a moment of huge insensitivity.
Liaison with the Lawrences failed from the night of the murder, when they were treated with "insensitivity and lack of sympathy".
Someone else expresses excitement at the opportunity that the layoff has afforded her and you respond in overwhelming anger at her insensitivity.
She says she is cringing at the insensitivity of his remark.
He was then roundly denounced for his insensitivity and his belligerence.
There really is no excuse for this insensitivity to conflicts on the part of institutional investors other than the prolonged bull market has hidden the related harm.
But the silence and seeming insensitivity of the Israeli mainstream in the face of all this is not merely a case of judicial or even moral flaccidity.
However, groups representing Germany's black population, which numbers around 500, 000, have accused some Germans of insensitivity over the issue of race in the past, the BBC's John McManus reports.
BBC: Germany's Schlosspark Theatre defends 'blackface' actor
For sure, financial markets are imperfect and founded on the cruel insensitivity of numbers, but this makes them useful tools for vetting BS (we talk about Facebook differently now).
FORBES: Don't Buy The Excuses for Dell's Endgame. Here's What's Really Going On.
Though he spent a great deal of his interview at the Dow Jones D8 conference defending himself about insensitivity to privacy worries, he also said those concerns are going away.
But she fails to fairly describe the opinions of Dutch people who, while acknowledging the insensitivity of the Petes, nonetheless view it as relatively innocuous because the costumes are not based in racist hatred, but in tradition.
FORBES: The Unbearable Whiteness of Piet-ing: Dutch Santa's Blackface Elves
Apparently, American cultural insensitivity was also on display, as Spalding recounts how in Egypt, U.S. ball players used one of the Great Pyramids for a backstop and photographed themselves atop the Sphinx, much to the chagrin of locals.