The diverse representation at the event gave a fascinating insight into different global cinema cultures.
"People will say they care about fuel economy, " says Rebecca Lindland, of forecasting firm Global Insight.
"They completely abandoned their core buyer, " says Rebecca Lindland of forecasting firm Global Insight.
The Global Insight authors reckon this is a problem only in principle, not practice.
He was effectively taking over an "octopus-like Vodafone, " said Global Insight anlayst Emeka Obiodu.
"Anything above 50 indicates expanding activity and anything below indicates contraction, " said Global Insight economist Howard Archer.
"The whole environment has changed dramatically in the last few months, " said IHS Global Insight economist Howard Archer.
"They have responded to the call of the Mini, " says Rebecca Lindland , an analyst at forecasting firm Global Insight.
But unlike Global Insight, they use a proxy for the first variable that is not itself affected by the second.
Mr. NARIMAN BEHRAVESH (Global Insight): I think it will certainly help to make this recession that we're in short and shallow.
Global Insight's Obiodu added that handset makers simply weren't coming up with models that were enticing consumers, and singled out Motorola.
"The growth and public borrowing forecasts contained in the pre-Budget report look very optimistic, " said Howard Archer, economist at Global Insight.
This implies "significant austerity in the public sector" according to Laurence Allan, Latin American and Caribbean analyst at IHS Global Insight.
But Diego Iscaro, an economist with IHS Global Insight, believes the Irish government's actions so far have been in the right direction.
The decline was brought on largely by consumer fears about the economy, says Brian Bethune with Global Insight, an economic consulting firm.
The estimates of total primary energy consumption are those of the EIA. For GDP figures, the EIA used data from Global Insight.
"It's a very pragmatic move, " said Roman Mathyssek of IHS Global Insight.
"November's lower than-expected inflation data keeps the door open for another interest rate cut early in 2008, " said Global Insight economist Howard Archer.
"This is Eni's ninth life here, so there's no chance for further delays, " said Andrew Neff, a senior energy analyst at Global Insight.
"It seems that markets reacted quite wholly to the images yesterday released of Iran's missile tests, " said Lawrence Poole, analyst with Global Insight.
Like Global Insight, they are interested in measuring the impact of one thing (exposure to Wal-Mart) on another (the health of local retailing).
Mr. GEORGE MAGLIANO (Director of Automotive Research, Global Insight): The possibility of the strike now at the end of the month is very low.
"The Bank of England will be far from happy with the October consumer price inflation data, " said Howard Archer, analyst at IHS Global Insight.
Such is the nature of an increasingly fragmented media industry, says Peter Boyland, an analyst with IHS Global Insight, and Sky needs to evolve accordingly.
Now along with with diplomatic relations, cross-border energy deals and the routing of pipelines could be at stake, Global Insight analyst James Auger told
"Given that consumer spending accounts for some 65% of GDP, this is worrying for growth prospects, " said Howard Archer, chief economist at IHS Global Insight.
Howard Archer, an economist at research firm Global Insight, said that small businesses could be particularly vulnerable if core staff cannot make it to work.
"Their investments aren't purely commercial or about maximizing the value of their portfolio, " said Jan Randolph, head of Sovereign Risk at Global Insight in London.
Although the first-quarter figure indicates growth, economists at Lehman Brothers and Global Insight said that the increase would be caused by a buildup in inventories.
This is especially the case in platinum group metals since they are more expensive than most, said John Mothersole, senior principal with IHS Global Insight.
FORBES: Honda's Reduced Use Of Rhodium Part Of Effort To Shift Away From More-Expensive Metals