Fox installed equipment in Palin's Wasilla, Alaska, home to make her regular appearances easier.
It is envisioned that local Point of Contacts (POC) during the one-year project period gradually should take over the maintenance of the installed equipment.
We took out old, unsafe playground equipment as well as installed new equipment from multiple fundraisers sponsored by the PTA in previous years.
WHITEHOUSE: Parental Involvement in Schools: The Key to Our Children's Success | The White House
In November, the company installed new equipment in Washington and surrounding cities, and "re-tuned" its 4G airwaves to support a higher volume of devices.
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The same year, Marconi installed radio equipment on Queen Victoria's Royal Yacht so that the Queen, who was staying at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, could communicate with the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) who was convalescing on board.
The plans for the four-way junction will replace equipment installed almost 20 years ago.
In November, GE opened the Kaluga Energy Technology Center to service GE power generation equipment installed in Russia.
LLUs use equipment installed in a telephone exchange by a third party company, such as Orange, instead of BT.
Firestone launched two recalls totalling 10 million tyres mainly installed as standard equipment on an estimated 3 to 4 million Ford Explorers.
The three batteries that were replaced were the original equipment installed on Hubble 19 years ago, intended to have just a five-year lifespan.
The council has installed its own equipment around the building to monitor wind conditions so that warnings and diversions can be put in place when necessary.
The plants also must improve protection of safety equipment installed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and make sure they can handle damage to multiple reactors at the same time.
With new cinema equipment installed in 2000, bringing films back to the venue for the first time in 70 years, he was soon back behind the flickering light of the projector.
In part, this will be to check on any monitoring equipment installed before the inspectors were forced to pull out four years ago, and in part to ease their way back into the job.
The move could mean a more complicated (and pricey) installation at hospitals, university dorms and even neighborhood gyms, where TVs installed in cardio equipment often plug directly into wall jacks, not to mention the inconvenience you'll be facing at home.
We think the move could mean a more complicated (and pricey) installation at hospitals, university dorms and even neighborhood gyms, where TVs installed in cardio equipment often plug directly into wall jacks, not to mention the inconvenience you'll be facing at home.
ENGADGET: Comcast to encrypt basic cable channels, require set-top box for all content
With over 26, 000 restaurants in North America on the OpenTable platform and an installed base of equipment in each, not only is it a hassle for restaurants to decamp from the service, but also it would be very challenging for the next OpenTable to successfully enter the marketplace.
When radio equipment is installed in a classroom, it becomes an opportunity to experience communication.
Those companies compete in the portable GPS market as well as the original equipment manufacturer installed GPS market.
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Then there is the next stage of the production process where the onboard equipment is installed and the engines fitted.
Replacing traditional voice service with voice over LTE will take time, as complex kinks are worked out, network equipment is installed and, eventually, phones are made with the necessary hardware.
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Agencies should assess current device inventories and usage, and establish controls, to ensure that they are not paying for unused or underutilized information technology (IT) equipment, installed software, or services.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order 13589 -- Promoting Efficient Spending
The sea level station shall function independently of other equipment that may be installed in the vicinity (i.e. meteorological or other oceanographic equipment).
Another factor may have been safety equipment that was installed improperly (as in Britain).
Ventilation and air monitoring equipment has been installed inside the culvert for workers who will be removing the debris.
They said the device has been removed and replacement equipment will be installed.
The device was installed to protect the Superdome equipment in case of a cable failure between the switchgear and the stadium.
Next Jones exploited a new profit center: servicing the cockpit equipment Rockwell Collins installed, instead of focusing exclusively on new aircraft.
The equipment that was installed in the Burtons' house was thanks to a partnership between Aragon Housing Association and Bedfordshire County Council.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Is technology the answer to social care?
Jenkins was approached by police after a colleague of his noticed equipment similar to that installed by their company on eBay.