You can install the update if you have the Office 95 suite or if you have any of the individual programs installed.
CNN: Top 10 Y2K fixes for your PC
Statistics gathered by Microsoft show that the number of machines it found with such programs installed had fallen from 16.8 million machines to 13.4 million.
BBC: Video gamers face malware deluge
He installed 12 Step programs in his church and an orchestra.
CNN: November 19, 2012 -- Updated 1840 GMT (0240 HKT)
Users who clicked on the links became vulnerable to programs installed on their computers that were designed to steal bank codes, send spam and engage in click fraud.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Most of the tools are programs that must be installed on a person's computer.
WSJ: Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebellion
The XO is packed with hyper-designed creativity worthy of Apple, including a unique software environment that lets kids collaborate in real time on applications ranging from a simple programming simulation to music-making programs (three come pre-installed) and even an application for using sonar to pinpoint the computer's distance from other nearby XOs.
FORBES: Magazine Article
The XO is packed with hyper-designed creativity worthy of Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ), including a unique software environment that lets kids collaborate in real time on applications ranging from a simple programming simulation to music-making programs (three come pre-installed) and even an application for using sonar to pinpoint the computer's distance from other nearby XOs.
FORBES: Intel Vs. The XO