• You can install the update if you have the Office 95 suite or if you have any of the individual programs installed.

    CNN: Top 10 Y2K fixes for your PC

  • Statistics gathered by Microsoft show that the number of machines it found with such programs installed had fallen from 16.8 million machines to 13.4 million.

    BBC: Video gamers face malware deluge

  • He installed 12 Step programs in his church and an orchestra.

    CNN: November 19, 2012 -- Updated 1840 GMT (0240 HKT)

  • Users who clicked on the links became vulnerable to programs installed on their computers that were designed to steal bank codes, send spam and engage in click fraud.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Most of the tools are programs that must be installed on a person's computer.

    WSJ: Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebellion

  • The XO is packed with hyper-designed creativity worthy of Apple, including a unique software environment that lets kids collaborate in real time on applications ranging from a simple programming simulation to music-making programs (three come pre-installed) and even an application for using sonar to pinpoint the computer's distance from other nearby XOs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The XO is packed with hyper-designed creativity worthy of Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ), including a unique software environment that lets kids collaborate in real time on applications ranging from a simple programming simulation to music-making programs (three come pre-installed) and even an application for using sonar to pinpoint the computer's distance from other nearby XOs.

    FORBES: Intel Vs. The XO

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