As if that wasn't enough, the installer apparently also used tape to hold the GPS unit in place, installed the antennae on the inside of the car instead of the outside, and used a glue gun to install the speakers instead of bolting them in place.
ENGADGET: Man left with $12k in damages after Circuit City GPS install gone wrong
There's a reason why Draghi had to step in to stem the panic: Because eurozone politicians keep dithering instead of putting in place measures to secure the financial and economic stability of Europe.
Why don't I accomplish something in two years instead of being in the same place?
You could venture that this bistro is a snazzy Manhattan version of such a place, bustling with aging Chelsea gents instead of Sunday drivers in polyester slacks.
We spiked our hair up, wore black leather jackets and thought about putting safety pins in our cheeks and opted instead for putting them in our ears in place of earrings.
But as an employee, I believe you can progress much better, both financially and in skills, by staying in one place instead of jumping around.
Why would you -- why would you, when lobbyists are being hired hand over fist to kill financial reform, why do you seem to side with high-priced lobbyists instead of putting strong rules in place to prevent what happened before?
Instead of bark canoes, today you can hire sturdy sea kayaks, and in place of fishing nets, pack enough food and water to last a week.
Not that I can take credit (and not that it's an insanely huge victory), but the state tied for 49th place in 2012, instead of 50th.
The comments came a day after Karzai decreed the presidential and provincial elections should take place in April, instead of the August date determined by the Independent Election Commission.
CNN: U.S.: Iran has material for nuclear bomb but still 'not close'
This is about putting in place rules that encourage drive and innovation instead of shortcuts and abuse.
But instead of on the high seas, our story takes place in the marketplace.
It should, instead, be expanded to place international economic ties in the larger context of American national security policy and interests in Asia.
Santorum needed the Texas primary on May 29, with 154 delegates at stake, to be winner-take-all instead of the proportional allocation system based on vote results now in place.
Brmingham manager Alex McLeish had intended to withdraw Alexander Hleb in place of striker Nikola Zigic but opted to replace Bowyer instead.
Instead of relying on fate to place a CPR-trained citizen in the exact location needed at the exact time needed, essentially requiring a witnessed arrest, the PulsePoint App is used to dispatch nearby CPR-trained citizens simultaneously with the dispatch of local paramedics, so CPR can begin immediately, and an AED can be reliably sourced.
FORBES: You Can Become A (Life-Saving) Neighborhood Superhero
Chelsea went into the game with hopes of securing their place in the knockout stages, but instead they will go to Bordeaux in three weeks' time with the group wide open after this defeat.
The decision to close them instead reflects what he describes as a new way of thinking about the BBC's place in the media landscape.
The physician wanted to perform the surgery in the outpatient surgery center instead of performing an office procedure, which is the most common place to remove a skin cyst.
Perhaps those clamoring for Wall Street to be held accountable should instead direct their ire to the legislators and regulators who forged these lax standards of accountability in the first place.
FORBES: Government Comes Up Short In Case Against Money Market Icon Bruce Bent
Instead, they talk earnestly about building their companies, and about the problems of managing growth in a place where every new idea, engineer or building seems to start a bidding battle.
Instead, Obama and Congressional Democrats pulled even the option of government coverage and left the private insurance system in place.
The second problem is that preventing crumbling in one place may accelerate it elsewhere, so that sea walls merely relocate erosion instead of preventing it.
Instead, the unbanked appear to be more comfortable with businesses that they have long used in place of banks, a variety of alternative financial service (AFS) providers.
Although nutritionists are often a little sniffy about dietary supplements, pointing out instead how important it is to eat the right food in the first place, there are corners of society in which people lack either the knowledge or the means to do so, or simply choose to eat poorly.
Instead you have to understand why you were running the ad in the first place and measure the real impact of the campaign.
Ellison's lawyers persuaded a New York trial court in May of last year to invalidate cnev's challenge and place Oracle in that role instead.
Instead of a service contract, Consumer Reports recommends that people should buy a reliable car in the first place, and set aside money for anticipated repairs.
FORBES: Snake-Oil Alert: So-Called Additive Warranties For Your Car
If the Giants had really, really cared about the record and if they had really cared about the history instead of trying to pay off their stadium, they wouldn't have brought Bonds back in the first place.