The large institutional investors run Wall Street research, which caters to the needs of institutional shareholders.
Major Yandex institutional shareholders include Tiger Global, Baring Vostok Private Equity Funds, Roth Advisors and International Finance Group.
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Instead, the ex-Morgan executives have pinned their hopes on getting enough support from institutional shareholders to pressure Morgan's board.
Royal Bank of Scotland received enthusiastic encouragement from its institutional shareholders for its acquisition of bits of ABN AMRO.
Activist institutional shareholders are still rare in Germany, not least because the country lacks a properly funded pension system.
Far from helping companies to weather the crisis, powerful institutional shareholders and independent directors did worse in terms of shareholder value.
Crest did assert on that call that in their conversations with large institutional shareholders few were enamored of the Sprint bid.
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Boards of directors, institutional shareholders and regulators should indeed go after managers who line their pockets by granting themselves gobs of options.
Potentially the most persuasive agents of change ought to be institutional shareholders.
ECONOMIST: Japanese corporate governance: No country for old men | The
Usually the big institutional shareholders and brokerage firms vote huge blocks of shares and what the retail investor--that's you--has to say doesn't matter.
The largest institutional shareholders are venture capital firms Greylock Partners, with 15.2 million shares and New Enterprise Associates, with 13.9 million shares.
The bosses of Bombay Dyeing and Ballarpur (which has restructured more than most family-owned firms) can both count on state-owned institutional shareholders for support.
Big institutional shareholders are likely to be quite pleased as well.
Even that would make little difference unless ways can be found to persuade institutional shareholders to vote for pay packages that serve their long-term interests.
Major institutional shareholders include OrbiMed, with 12.1% after the IPO.
As a result of the deregulation of asset management, institutional shareholders are having to invest in companies that use their money wisely rather than squander it.
And Mr Higgs could usefully propose ways to make institutional shareholders take a closer interest in the firms they own, though he seems unlikely to do so.
ECONOMIST: America has Sarbanes-Oxley. Britain has Derek Higgs
The largest institutional shareholders, which should see major returns, are venture capital firms Greylock Partners, with 15.2 million shares and New Enterprise Associates, with 13.9 million shares.
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Many more institutional shareholders are already voting as a result.
Some large institutional shareholders, such as the U.S. pension fund managers Calpers and TIAA-CREF together with Hermes of London, are asking companies to justify their pay policies or risk censure.
If the corpocracy is to be tamed, and bosses held properly to account, ultimately the only sustainable solution is for institutional shareholders to properly carry out their responsibilities as owners.
Major institutional shareholders include Versant Ventures with a 14.95% stake after the IPO, Arch Venture Capital with 12.58%, Prospect Venture Partners with 11.28%, Jafco with 5.12%, and Fidelity with 8.47%.
Infosys, a technology firm, leapt in a generation from a start-up to a global blue chip, owned by institutional shareholders and measured against that most Western of yardsticks, the stock price.
One of the dangers of the "good governance" movement is the notion that one size fits all, which is held by many, including some major institutional shareholders and the proxy rating agencies, at least on many issues.
The success of the proposals of Stephen Byers, Britain's trade and industry secretary, depends on institutional shareholders using their authority to make very high remuneration conditional on business performance and social responsibility a feature of board behaviour.
"We have listened carefully to our institutional shareholders, to our clients, and to the leadership ranks within the firm, and we have put in place a program that positions Morgan Stanley at the forefront of good governance practices, " the board said in the statement.
As he said to me yesterday, he is concerned that the current wave of protest votes against excessive executive pay could turn out to be a passing fad - and he therefore wants a constitutional change that would lead to a permanent transformation of big institutional shareholders into properly informed and engaged proprietors.
In the States, Europe and Japan even, there are agencies representing small shareholders and institutional investors.
His government has tightened accounting rules to make business more open, given minority shareholders and institutional investors more say in corporate affairs and opened South Korea's capital markets.
"Sibneft had a successful year in 2004 and it is proper that we share that success with all of our individual shareholders and institutional investors, " said Sibneft president Eugene Shvidler in a statement.