" Although another version of the same chart has someone crossing out the word "insubordination.
While MacArthur may have been the supreme genius of insubordination, he is not alone.
In 2004 he returned to Paraguay, where he was convicted over his 1996 insubordination.
BBC: Paraguay candidate Lino Oviedo dies in helicopter crash
Mr Rooney, however, is hampered by the characteristic English vices of insubordination and petulance.
ECONOMIST: The intertwined fates of a people and their football team
Brilliant new strategies, products, and services are born thanks, in part, to a healthy bit of insubordination.
For one thing, all organizations need at least a tiny bit of insubordination.
So not only was Tamir's meeting an act of gross insubordination and subversion.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Confronting Our Subversive Institutions
As a result, approaching workers about unpleasant subjects such as insubordination, poor performance or plain bad behavior can be difficult.
Would any President want on his (or her) team an individual who had engaged in serial acts of insubordination and sabotage of a previous Commander-in-Chief?
Up till now, such insubordination has usually been kept in check: witness the abortive attempt a few years ago by Sverdlovsk's governor to launch his region's own currency.
Such insubordination has been a defining feature of his life.
Military criminal investigators said the suspect was recently reprimanded for insubordination and was told he would stay behind when his unit left camp for Iraq, Time reporter Jim Lacey said.
The question is: Will rank insubordination on a scale arguably not seen in a military commander since MacArthur faded away nearly six decades ago be rewarded by still higher office?
He was also brought up on charges of insubordination.
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"If you look at domestic extremist groups in the US, they are responsible for more homicides than anyone else, although most are crime-related, to do with insubordination or revenge or against those who owe them money, " says Brian Levin, director of California State University's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism.
Blazer, the only American on the FIFA Executive Committee, is the first within the exclusive FIFA inner circle to blow the whistle on a colleague, and the allegation brought so much outrage that acting CONCACAF president Lisle Austin attempted to fire Blazer five days later for insubordination (the action was blocked, and now Austin is under investigation).
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