Reaven was also first to find a strong correlation between insulin resistance and heart attacks.
The excess insulin triggers the liver to produce an overabundance of triglycerides, which gum up already-narrow arteries.
The next hurdle was getting the microscopic particles of powdered insulin into easy-to-handle packages in uniform doses.
Professor Ashcroft was chosen for advancing our understanding of insulin secretion and of neonatal diabetes.
But glucose can't enter our cells without insulin, which is a hormone produced by the pancreas.
In Syndrome X, the body overproduces insulin because the cells refuse to listen to its instructions.
The medical community accepted Reaven's notion of insulin resistance but balked at Syndrome X.
Reaven discovered that in some people cells ignore insulin's instructions to let sugars in.
Cecchi began taking shots of insulin twice a day, but still his condition worsened.
The researchers believe obesity may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by affecting insulin levels.
LAF237 blocks DPP-4 from carrying its task, thus hopefully restoring the normal flow of insulin.
Instead, he found prescriptions for insulin (she was apparently diabetic) and imipramine, an anti-migraine treatment.
Exercise appears to exert similar effects on brain function by boosting insulin sensitivity and fighting inflammation.
That triggers a host of problems including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and diabetes.
Mr Stewart told the court that hospital scandals involving insulin had been uncovered before.
I'm quite used to seeing insulin injections on children and it looked like one of those.
Diamyd Medical of Sweden is pursuing a vaccine aiming to halt destruction of insulin-producing cells.
It is the first approval for an incretin mimetic drug, which stimulates insulin secretion.
But technology in use in Europe is on its way to automating insulin delivery.
Too little insulin leads, over a period of years, to blindness, kidney damage or heart disease.
Now Sorensen estimates the company has about 35% share of the U.S. insulin market.
Insulin was first shown to speed the growth of tumor cells early in the 20th century.
In a healthy person, insulin levels go up after eating, helping to process the meal.
In Type 1 diabetes, an inherited form of the disease, the immune system destroys insulin-producing cells.
What's not clear is whether insulin in general or any particular insulin makes this worse.
Genetic predisposition to improper insulin production may be part of the problem, says Carnethon.
CNN: Obesity paradox: Why being thin with diabetes is dangerous
This is more expensive than buying bottles of insulin and filling syringes as needed.
The pump can be programmed to give a specific insulin dose at a prescribed time.
The bottled insulin is a growth medium that can allow the bacteria to reproduce.
In an effort to prevent reuse of needles, the physician can prescribe needles pre-filled with insulin.