If the next administration is wise, it will do what it can to help the markets clear, let the recession take its course, and do what it can to preserve intact a financial system that has served us splendidly.
That was the challenge that the Supreme Court declined to consider this week, leaving intact a lower court ruling that EchoStar cannot beam a local channel outside its home market to consumers who already are served by other local channels.
In a modern racing car the driver is encased in a protective capsule designed to remain intact in a crash even though the rest of the car may disintegrate.
Then after belatedly calling up the reservists, it delayed ordering them into battle until international support for Israel had all but disintegrated and the government had already decided to sue for a cease-fire that left Hizbullah intact as a fighting force and as a political force in Lebanon.
Kraft "has done a great job of keeping one consistent system intact for a few years now, from the executives to the coaches, " says Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.
The link-man was aware of Priestland steaming up outside him in support and sent the full-back streaking away down the right wing with a perfectly timed pass, before Jones kept perfection intact with a touchline conversion.
Bigger support that would keep the rally intact in a constructive state is 1362-1365.
The uptrend is intact and a close above 1127-1131 should lead to 1142, and then to 1150-1160 by Labor Day.
His family believed the body was buried intact and a ceremony has been carried out to place it with his remains.
And the absence of a father or an intact marriage is a prime indicator for drug use and trouble with the law.
But for them the easiest assumption was that he would be able to bequeath the Egyptian system largely intact to a chosen successor.
While this wide lower flag pattern had remained intact, a recent series of lower highs had begun to forecast the downside continuation was imminent.
Buildings on either side of the complex remained intact: a temple behind it was completely unharmed, and fragile paper lanterns hanging from its roof were dusty but undamaged.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Taiwan: The Day the Earth Moved--Page 3
How do you keep your company morale intact after a promotion or partnership appointment, or in the worst case, how do you keep yourself out of court for discrimination?
"At very low angles, we think that some water-ice from the comet would remain intact as a liquid puddle concentrated with organic molecules, ideal for the development of life, " Blank said.
And although research by Ramesh Khurana of the Sloan School of Management suggests that top executives are fired rather more often these days, they still tend to leave with options and pension rights intact and a comfortable golden parachute to soften the fall.
Its textile mills, public buildings and workers' housing are built in a harmonious style of high architectural standards and the urban plan survives intact, giving a vivid impression of Victorian philanthropic paternalism.
Allowing enrichment would leave Iran's nuclear capability intact and create a dangerous precedent for other aspirant nuclear weapons states.
On Thursday, the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Budget resolution with Mr Bush's tax cuts intact, but a vote of 215-212.
She moved the processing operation from its burnt-out 3, 000-square-foot space into the 800-square-foot kitchen, intact thanks to a pair of fireproof doors.
In the garden of the former British consulate now the property of Alexandria University builders managed to drive hundreds of concrete piles through the intact floor of a Roman villa before they were stopped.
CNN's Frank Sesno reports that some Democratic strategists see Bradley, the former New Jersey senator, as a possible "white knight" who managed to leave Washington with his reputation intact and might be a savior if the Lewinsky scandal leaves Gore too damaged.
Any instability in Wana region will also be a blow to the Afghan Taliban, who will need a fully intact militant network in one of their major sanctuaries if they are to negotiate peace with the Afghan government from a position of strength.
BBC: Taliban's Mullah Nazir death spells trouble for Pakistan
"Iran has a lot of interest to see Iraq is stable, territorial integrity of Iraq is intact, and there is a friendly government there, " Hadian says.
This molecule is involved in repairing DNA and keeps the genes in a cell intact.
Auschwitz-Birkenau, set up by the Germans in Nazi-occupied Poland, is largely intact and is now a museum.
The rifle cartridges were steel-core rounds, which are more likely to pass through a body intact and can cause multiple wounds, Fyles testified.
Matthew Fyles testified the .223 cartridges were steel-core rounds, which are more likely to pass through a body intact and can cause multiple wounds.
Starting in 1993 when Lou Gerstner joined IBM and kept the company intact he embarked on a series of strategic moves to increase its services focus.