Things are changing: now the government aims to integrate them more into Georgian society (a policy agreed before the war, but pursued with greater energy and resources after it).
They include such measures as limiting the influx of immigrants by arranged marriages and making more effort to integrate newcomers into Dutch society, for example by compelling them to learn the Dutch language.
The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development began on January 1, 2005 and aims to promote education as a basis for a more sustainable society and to integrate sustainable development into education at all levels and all areas of life including communities, the workplace and society in general.
So you have to balance warning the public so they can take precautions to protect themselves and the possibility of vigilante justice and allowing offenders to integrateintosociety.
Sunyoung (Sonia) Park, the founder and launch director of Ashoka Korea, on how to integrate problem solving and social entrepreneurship into a broader society.