The treaty, known as Acta, aims to establish international standards to enforce intellectual property rights.
If ratified, it proposes to improve "the enforcement of intellectual property rights" in participating countries.
The agreements are for intellectual property rights, technology, energy, trade statistics and business cooperation.
Other companies worry about losing valuable intellectual property rights if they don't clamp down on players.
In came Hank Barry, a onetime media and entertainment lawyer whose specialty is intellectual property rights.
We looked forward to further positive cooperation and progress on intellectual property rights (IPR).
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And one of the problems that we have had is insufficient protection for intellectual property rights.
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"It appeared that our proprietary information and intellectual property rights had been violated, " the letter stated.
The Lanham Act is typically associated with intellectual property rights, such as copyright or trademark protection.
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Wednesday's newspapers in Beijing mark the signing of an international treaty on intellectual property rights (IPRs).
Nokia noted it had licensed its intellectual property rights to more than 40 other companies.
This week, he agreed a new one with Morocco, covering agricultural goods and intellectual property rights.
"This case is about whether the league can exercise intellectual property rights however it chooses, " says Ganis.
And developing countries must be given longer periods to implement the complex provisions on intellectual property rights.
Without such review, investors and companies cannot know of the ultimate disposition of the intellectual property rights.
International experience also suggests that such protection can strengthen significantly when indigenous intellectual property rights become dominant.
In 2010 General Motors sold the intellectual property rights of the 900 to Chinese company BAIC.
It was reaffirmed in the hotly contested Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement of 1994.
The Chamber has launched a high dollar billboard advertising campaign urging Congress to protect American intellectual property rights.
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But without intellectual property rights, goes the industry, such research won't be done and cures won't be developed.
Last month, Russia's government proposed new legislation attaching an intellectual property rights clause to foreign military sales agreements.
Resolving issues like intellectual property rights or transfer pricing between the partners will add new complexity, Lutz says.
In most countries around the world, intellectual property rights are hard to enforce.
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Singapore provides a persuasive model for a strong system of intellectual property rights.
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EchoStar is working to undermine the role of the courts in enforcing the intellectual property rights that facilitate innovation.
Yes, intellectual property rights have become a sensitive issue in the age of instantaneous digital distribution, and rightly so.
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It may or may not have other intellectual property rights which are infringed.
The issue of who owns the intellectual property rights to cultural works is an important one among Aboriginal communities.
In the New York Times, Delgado's agent, Javier Gomez, described the situation as "a clear breaking of intellectual property rights".
McCaw also has intellectual property rights to a system that connects low-orbit satellite systems like Iridium with midaltitude projects like ICO.