One local man recounts how he was approached by Interahamwe militiamen who demanded money.
ECONOMIST: Eastern Congo
That is why, despite some reservations from Zimbabwe, they have agreed to the disarming of the Interahamwe.
The Rwandans claim both they and the Interahamwe are still receiving help from the Congolese government in Kinshasa.
ECONOMIST: Eastern Congo
Burundian officials say that Rwanda's Hutu militiamen, the interahamwe, were responsible for much of the recent killing around Bujumbura.
ECONOMIST: Burundi: Murder and manhunts | The
But will the Interahamwe hang around and wait to be arrested and disarmed?
The Rwandan Interahamwe may still be at large, killing people in the hills, but they do not rate high in the townspeople's priorities.
ECONOMIST: Congo and Rwanda: Get out of our country | The
The Rwandans claim that Congo's President Laurent Kabila, whom they helped to put in power in 1997, was encouraging the Interahamwe to attack Rwanda.
Last year, Rwanda moved thousands of civilians into specially created settlements in order to give its troops a freer hand to clean out the interahamwe.
ECONOMIST: Burundi: Murder and manhunts | The
According to the Lusaka peace accords, signed in 1999, Rwanda must withdraw its troops from Congo and the Interahamwe and Mai Mai militias must be disarmed.
ECONOMIST: Eastern Congo
Rwanda's vice-president and army chief, Paul Kagame, says that his troops must stay in Congo until Rwanda's borders are secure and the threat from the Interahamwe militia fighters has been dealt with.
ECONOMIST: Congo and Rwanda: Get out of our country | The
Though they have begun to recognise that Rwanda and Uganda have legitimate concerns about the security of their borders, Mr Kabila and his allies still reject Rwanda's claim that the Interahamwe and former Rwandan soldiers form part of the Congolese army.