As a bipartisan interest group, the caucus has both Democrats and Republicans as members.
Our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected.
The spending bonanza benefited every Democratic interest group except the Obama voters who wanted jobs and higher incomes.
And then, not just cave because of bunch of special interest group are running ads against you.
As one interest group put it: It's like throwing something in a 40-foot hole a 10-foot rope.
The party that puts an end to this cycle will win over a significant Latino special-interest group.
WHO, why urgent action is needed to give that big, voiceless interest group a better chance of growing up.
To stay free and independent of individuals, parties or any particular interest group.
Jesse Jackson's two presidential campaigns transformed him from a spokesman for an interest group into a national political figure.
It is not a lobby or an interest group, has no collective financial or political interests, and has no agenda.
And every automotive interest group, or "stakeholder, " will be lobbying hard to shape the deal to minimize its particular pain.
This great circular game of mutual exploitation Interest Group Liberalism is the central dynamo at the core of the modern welfare state.
Every special-interest group that benefits from the current system, of which there are many, would fund the campaign against it.
The biggest interest group of all is the CCP itself, which is why skeptics say reform is doomed to fail.
FORBES: China's Party Congress: The Other Election Worth Watching This Week
Sooner or later, the Capitol must cave from pressure from every interest group in the country barring Tea Party die-hards.
Social Accountability 8000 is an independent certificate awarded by the Council on Economic Priorities, an interest group based in New York.
He turned the country's bank regulator from a patsy of the banks (another interest group) into something more powerful and independent.
The public interest group says that colleges and banks often make secretive deals allowing them to rake in millions from the fees.
In political terms, this special-interest group is neither special, nor one interest.
Their constitutional scheme failed to withstand the dynamics of interest group liberalism.
They warned council leaders they would face public and interest group pressures.
Over 50 Indian companies working on ways to squash the millennium bug have formed a special interest group to promote their services.
Next to a Bible on his desk, DeLay keeps an up-to-date list of how much money each industry and interest group has contributed.
If you believe a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group - then you are a Republican!
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Full text: Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech
Antal Desai with CMCG in Dallas and officials with several groups opposed to the private student loan industry as well as U.S. Public Interest Group.
Strategic growth is now subject to potentially devastating government enforcement, which can either trigger or be triggered by related shareholder or public interest group legal actions.
Now Hong Kong has a new interest group that resists any change to the domestic helper visa: the families who benefit from having a foreign maid.
And among defence experts who are not beholden to any special-interest group, there is a growing consensus that the Pentagon has been too slow to adjust.
Indeed, this is one area where news providers can use technology to their advantage, by providing more targeted audiences for advertisers, both by interest group and location.
ECONOMIST: The future of journalism: Yesterday's papers | The
Plains Justice, a northern plains states public interest group, pointed out the first Keystone XL pipeline, which open last summer, was built with substandard steel from India.