He was a more palatable interlocutor for the West than Mr Putin had been.
And as I pointed out to the Foreign Minister, he is going to have an interlocutor in John Kerry.
What both Erdbrink and his European interlocutor failed to acknowledge is that Rahimi won't be punished for his views.
The offer of du, usually by an older interlocutor, was not made lightly.
ECONOMIST: German linguistic correctness: The du und du waltz | The
Mr Abbas said he had no right to like or dislike Israel's democratically elected prime minister as his legitimate interlocutor.
He even had one special card, for when he was being condescended to by his interlocutor beyond what he found proper.
Although Ms Livni would probably make the more amenable interlocutor, Israel's eventual choice is not as decisive as it may seem.
Some Pakistani analysts have held up Mr. Rehman as a relative moderate who could have been a suitable interlocutor for such talks.
He has now granted the club an interlocutor - a court order - allowing the matter to be heard in Edinburgh next week.
BBC: Legal hitch in administration of Rangers forces court date
One can use the terms without the specific intent to make the interlocutor feel subject to abuse on the grounds of their race.
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First of all, you know what your partner has said, and secondly, you can comment on what has been said by your interlocutor.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
We recently have received in Washington members of the council who we believe are a credible interlocutor, a legitimate interlocutor of the Libyan people.
Rumsfeld, the interlocutor between the President and the military, had long resisted any plan to send American divisions abroad for projects that smacked of nation-building.
"The government can no longer accept the secretary general as interlocutor, " Brazilian Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo said in a press conference, calling Valcke's comments offensive and unacceptable.
Mr. Annan said he expects the Syrian president to ask him to designate an interlocutor that would then begin talks with a chosen interlocutor for the opposition.
Just as a skilled conversationalist brings alive the least promising interlocutor, so Berlin could conjure a fascinating essay from the most forbidding pages of Fichte, or Vico, or De Maistre.
ECONOMIST: And what it says about the role of public intellectuals
Thompson was trying to keep his interlocutor on the phone for more than 90 seconds, the length of time required for the police to discover the caller's location.
Over Israel's objections, American officials have now re-engaged with the Palestinian government, albeit avoiding those aligned with Hamas and continuing to embrace America's preferred interlocutor, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas.
Which leaves the suggestion that the officials Mr Chun was quoting were either out of line, telling their interlocutor what he wanted to hear or, perhaps, ahead of their time.
The minister said that the MOD acted as an "advocate or as an interlocutor for ex-service personnel" but could not tell the Department of Health how "best to deliver healthcare".
BBC: Peers call for veteran care to be 'taken away from MOD'
Another new organisation called Conflicts Forum, founded by a former British intelligence officer, Alastair Crooke, attempts to serve as an interlocutor between militant Islamist groups, such as Hamas and Hizbullah, and the West.
Although Socrates and his interlocutor probed whether virtue could be taught, the conclusion reached, in the last paragraph, is that it cannot, since all efforts at defining it failed, and that it was instead a divine gift.
"Defense Minister Ehud Barak -- Washington's primary interlocutor on Iran and a host of other foreign policy and security issues -- has announced his retirement from Knesset campaigning, though he has not ruled out a return to government if invited, " he said.
One way of stopping that, says my market interlocutor, is if the Eurozone authorities would issue pan-European depositor insurance, effectively saying to everybody, everywhere in the zone, that the other members would make good bank deposits in the event of exit, or capital controls etc.