This morning, the alarm woke me at 5:30, Central time, or 3:30 by my own West Coast internal clock.
Impairment in the body's internal clock, ultimately disrupting a person's sleep-wake cycle, is just one of the potential symptoms of dementia.
Complete with an internal clock, Amanda always knows the date and time--not to mention special holidays like Mother's Day, of course.
Even relatively small amounts of light can reset the body's internal clock, so find as dark an environment as possible when traveling.
So they end up having to get up one, two, or, in extreme cases, three hours earlier than their internal clock would dictate.
The reasoning behind this advice is that the average person can only adjust their internal clock by an incremental amount of 60 to 90 minutes a day.
By comparing the GPS and eLoran time signals with its internal clock, each probe can detect interference and determine whether it is natural or man-made.
Prof tenOever hopes this discovery will lead to new antiviral drugs which target the virus's internal clock and that it will provide a new design platform for the flu vaccine.
This distraction resets the internal clock once again.
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The little creature's also got four additional touch sensors, a temperature sensor, a gravity sensor and an internal clock to tell the time of day, improved motors, and basic voice recognition -- and the Hong Kong packaging suggests the dinos will even come in two different sexes.
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The research team took fruit flies and removed several genes that regulate their internal biological clock, which, in humans, decides when we wake up and go to sleep.
Gene Block, a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at University of California, Los Angeles, and colleagues found that by middle age, the signal the master body clock in the brain sends out to other internal clocks to help resynchronize the different processes gets weaker.