Mutambara would oversee education, industry and commerce, and regional integration and international cooperation.
Sharing waters is actually often a driver for international cooperation and regional integration.
Organized by UNESCO and hosted by the Government of Thailand, the 10th High-Level Group on Education for All is comprised of Ministers of Education and International Cooperation, representatives of international and regional organizations, civil society and the private sector across six continents.
Organized by UNESCO and hosted by the Government of Thailand, the 10th High-Level Group on Education for All is comprised of Ministers of Education and International Cooperation, representatives of international and regional organizations, civil society and the private sector from 34 countries across six continents.
We will dramatically increase and coordinate public sector investments in research, development, and demonstration of these technologies, with a view to doubling such investments by 2015, while recognizing the importance of private investment, public-private partnerships and international cooperation, including regional innovation centers.
Our two countries will enhance exchange and consultation on regional and international affairs, in particular to enhance our cooperation in the Asia Pacific region.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with Premier Wen of China | The White House
There is a need for States and international organizations, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, to create favourable conditions at the national, regional and international levels to ensure the full and effective enjoyment of human rights.
The Convention obliges States to take necessary measures to ensure the protection of intangible cultural heritage and promote cooperation at regional and international levels.
UNESCO: Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention
We have also discussed some other regional and international problems, notably African issues, as well as matters related to cooperation between countries of north and south.
Are also invited to participate in the event representatives from other European countries, European and international organizations, in particular the UN Resident Coordinator, the European Commission, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) for South East Europe.
New forms of cooperation and consultation in the field of PES at the national, regional and international levels.