• In particular, Clinton's leadership and gravitas are needed to implement an international certification scheme that enables companies to trace the source of the minerals to ensure that they aren't funding armed groups, and that allows consumers to choose which companies to give business to, based on their human rights record in Congo.

    CNN: Your cell phone, Congo's misery

  • The first bit damaging of news was about Apple's decision to dump an international green certification system that is used by the U.S. government to determine whether its agencies can or cannot purchase a product.

    CNN: Apple's green image continues to be dirtied

  • Efforts to improve international regulations regarding the certification, inspection and maintenance of aircraft environmental control systems are needed.

    CNN: Commentary: Flu and your health on a plane

  • That committee, known as the International Commission for the Certification of Dracunculiasis Eradication, makes independent evaluations and recommends to the WHO's director general whether to declare eradication.

    CNN: Guinea worm a greater challenge than smallpox

  • Coaches can receive certification through the International Coaches Federation (ICF), and some 3, 900 have done that.

    WSJ: Career Q&A: How To Find A Career Coach

  • It earned the label by meeting standards developed by the Indian Green Building Council, the local chapter of U.S. Green Building Council, which created LEED standards. (Here I must give a shout-out to my hometown San Francisco International Airport, whose Terminal 2 also won gold certification, soon after Delhi did.) Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad also won a LEED-Silver rating.

    FORBES: India's Airport Boom Embraces Green Building

  • "We are here to understand why the 787 experienced unexpected battery failures following a design program led by one of the world's leading manufacturers and a certification process that is well-respected throughout the international aviation community, " NTSB's Chairman Deborah Hersman said at the opening of a two-day board hearing.

    NPR: NTSB Probes Safety Testing Of Boeing 787 Batteries

  • For two years running, it had boasted USAT certification, a distinction that lowers insurance rates while offering professionals a chance to boost their international rankings.

    WSJ: Triathlons Part Waters for Lance Armstrong

  • The roundtable also highlighted new tools and approaches such as the guidance on corporate ecosystem valuation from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development ( WBCSD), the biodiversity-responsible land management certification from the Green Development Initiative ( GDI), and the new guidance on ecosystems assessment from the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation association ( IPIECA).

    FORBES: European business meetings on biodiversity

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